kiya's Life
Apr 2010
6:06 PM EDT
things to think about
things you don't pay attention to...
things you believe aren't important...
things you let pass by...
things that you don't even think about...
things you feel, but put aside...
things of your past, that you say are ok when they aren't...
those things are what will make your head ache and ache...
until you reach your limit...
where you finally burst into tears,
cause you're tired of keeping everything to yourself.
a lot of people do this...
why i don't know..
maybe cause we are considerate about others...
maybe because some of us just like to have the drama in life,
or maybe self-pity...
or even to gain the attention from other people...
who knows...i just know
that most of us go through it..
and i have to say that it is not a healthy life...
but whether i'm right or wrong it doesn't matter...
what matters is what you choose to do...
share it with someone you trust?
or continue the lonely selfdestructing life by keeping it all to yourself?
you can be the only one who can answer this...
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Female, 34
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i'm just some girl who likes talking about anything....
i like music, arts (sketching, drawing...), other stuff...
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mostly alternative...but any is long as the lyrics are meaningful...
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