jmckeone's Journal

Apr 2009
4:16 AM EDT

Power 90 - day 1

After much procrastination I am finally beginning the Power 90 diet and exercise plan.� Weight upon waking was 217 pounds.� Will take photos and measurements prior to my workout after work.� The last time I did the program was about 7 1/2 years ago and I didn't manage to stick with it.� I'm not getting any younger so this time I need to make it stick.

Was unable to begin on Monday as originally intended but started off first thing this morning with the 40 minute cardio and abs routine followed by a breakfast of egg whites and mixed vegetables.� Then the normal 30 minute bike ride into work.

It is amazing how much more mentally alert I feel than normal having gotten the blood flowing strong right at the start of the day.� Will try and get the photos and measurements this evening.� Only hiccup on the 90 days will be the two that I head to the prayer advance in a couple weeks.� Hopefully between now and then I'll begin to note some positive changes and weight loss.

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  • Username: jmckeone
  • Gender / Age: Male, 64
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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