cutieliciousx21's Journal

Mar 2009
6:34 PM EDT

that boy...

that boy called me up the night of my last post, and he ASKED ME OUT ON A DATE. and ever since, we've been hanging out at lunch and after his band and my chemistry. well, we're probably going over to his house on saturday and watching a movie! i keep thinking about kissing him and being with him and just everything about him. he put his arm around me for a really long time today, but it felt weird because i'm a tad taller than him =/. well, it seems as if he really does like me, and i'm not looking forward to gulf shores only because i wont see him AT ALL. :(. well, i'm hoping that the thursday night before i leave, i can hang out with him and maybe go on a date with him. i really want to spend the whole evening with him and have our first kiss. but you can't plan these things. they have to just happen. like mine and david's first kiss. i doubt he'll kiss me infront of his family. and i doubt we'll be left alone. not that his rents dont necessarily trust me, but just that we're only 15/16. but i really hope that she trusts me. even though i dont have any reason to be trusted. (but she doesn't know that). ;) haha. jk. well, i can't wait to just go on a date with him, i'm feeling so needy, like i just NEED to be with him. and i'm scared that i'm falling too hard too soon, because i know how much he can hurt me.

love always,

1 comment(s) - 11:09 PM - 03/27/2009
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cutieliciousx21's Profile

  • Username: cutieliciousx21
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Michigan
    CUTIELICIOUSX21's Interests:

    About Me: I'm 15 years old, i got to Lowell High School and my whole life is softball, i love my friends, boys, texting, computer, and just having fun. :)

    Favorite Music: country, hip-hop, pop, alternative

    Favorite Movies: Sweeney Todd, Twilight

    Favorite Television: Degrassi, That 70's Show

    Favorite Books: Twilight