blahbee jr.

Sep 2008
3:10 PM MDT

bored .

I'm so bored.. but i dont feel like talking .. so i didnt go on msn.

i'm writing this entry because my brother's friends are here watching the 2 hr special of heroes and i have NO interest in it so i came down here to see how my burning has gone

remaining time : 46 minutes.� FINALLY its less than an hour. i swear i'm leaving the computer off tomorrow to give it a rest.

I'm having an argument with my dad right now. He's arguing about how inbox journal is stupid " BLAH BLAH BLAH IF I WOULD WRITE A JOURNAL WHY NOT JUST USE MICROSOFT WORD. " haha its fun having arguments with my dad because then he gets all fed up and hes just like "ah wel.. i'm going to bed."� hahaha i made him mad

.haha yay =D my kitty loves me again. shes following me around =) AND she wants me to pet her. i feel special now. shes sleeping on the rug beside me. =) i love her. but hate her when she bites.

Okay.�i'll stop typing when ten minutes is up.

eww. i feel gross and sticky.. i wanna take a shower but... the washrrom is right by the living room... which means if i come out in my bathrobe with everybody watching. i would feel weird. so.. i'm not showering yet.. i'll just shower before i'm going to bed. it only takes.. 15 minutes.

okay .. ten minutes up

� byye


janette <3

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Sep 2008
12:12 PM MST


Monday 6:43

Hello Diary

YAY guess what? I GOT A NEW PORTABLE DVD PLAYER! It was on sale for $99.99!!! 50 DOLLARS OFF MAN. OKay .okay oaky oaky okay okay okay. but sears didnt have it so i have to order it and i don't get it till Friday .. thats a long dayss away.

ehh. friday is so long away. why cant it come faster.

ASRITOAIHSGO i'm trying to burn all my anime onto dvd before i get it so i could enjoy all my episodes on my bed =D yay

AND i could bring it anywhere i want. YAY YAY now i just need to make more money and buy a cd pocket AND earphones so i could watch and i'm all ready and yea...

or i could buy a kit. which would cost ... $20.00? i dunno. i just need to earn more money and i'm all set! yays

I cant seem to save up money =( i keep spending all of it. thats why i'm going to give mom my bank card. and my money. so that i could save up! cuz what if i need to use it for something important and i have no money? yea...

Gosh.. i'm burning my anime right now ... and its taking SOOo long. THERE'S STILL 2 HOURS AND 37 MINUTES LEFT. -sigh- well i hope it'll be worth my time. cuz if its not. i'll cry my eyes out. LIKE... scenerio: i burned for 3 hours straight and it DOESNT�work on my dvd player. yea i'd cry�

I have this urge to just watch my anime all on tv. but what would all that time go to right? i intended to watch it on my new coming portable. but yea... i have to be patient.

GUESS WHAT THOUGH? i have an ortho apt. on wednesday so i get to miss HEALTH AND CHINESE! thats the coolest thing ever.

WOah .. you cant really read what i'm writing can you? good .loL. ach now i cant see.. it burns.. -.-

is this better?


there. much better. i went bra shopping the other day.. and i saw this really cute bra that had monkeys on it. ( yea i know its weird to call a bra "CUTE" ) ... i wanted it so bad. but it was either too big or too small for me.� which made me all frustrated. SOO i finally decided that i would get a bigger one so when i get older. and HOPEFULLY they grow. then i could wear it y' know?

Jacob likes this girl. who i dont know. but i wanna know.. .sorry to say. . but i think i still like him.. even a little like.. i dont even know myself if i do. but sometims i say yes i do.. sometimes i'm like NOO. So i'm getting myself confused. BUt there's this feeling inmy heart that wants him to like me. yea ... i know .. kinda stupid right?

I have gym tomorrow. i gotta remember to bring my gym clothes.

and i'm gonna go now. maybe i'll type more later



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blahbee's Profile

  • Username: blahbee
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: Canada
    BLAHBEE's Interests:

    About Me: i like purple. i like teal . My cat is the best thing that has happened to me in the past 2 years. We found her as a stray with no tags no microchip, no tattoo and i begged my heart out to take her in. She has been with us for two years now. I hate people who are hypocrites. Just be who you really are! I tend to get bad haircuts. I usually bring a picture of a haircut that i love to the hair salon... and somehow.. it ends up WAY too messed up. I'm going in 9th grade. Not many friends that i could actually have a deep conversation with. Yea.

    Interests: piano, swimming, anime, scrapbooking =D

    Favorite Movies: Ratatouille! Confessions of a Shopaholic, Homeward Bound

    Favorite Television: LOST! One Tree Hill, House, Project Runway, Gossip Girl, Canada's Next Top Model,

    Favorite Books: The frog princess - E.D. Baker. The Breadwinner CONFESSIONS OF A SHOPAHOLIC - sophie kinsella Kiterunner