NijahThomas14's Journal

Aug 2009
2:47 AM EST



i never had patience

and i dont like waiting

being in a line

or waiting for assistance

for whatever the reason may be

i always wait for something

but no one waits on me

i wait to die

i wait to cry

i wait to fall asleep

im waiting on my dad

to pull his head out of his ass

but he refused to wait on me

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May 2009
6:10 AM EST

For some reason I'm the only one,
who sees i can be me.
I'm screaming for some help.
will someone answer me?
give me answers that make sense,
because i need a chance to breathe.
give me reasonable theories,
listen to me please
i need you to understand me,
so please someone answer me!�

2 comment(s) - 09:53 PM - 05/15/2009
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Apr 2009
3:27 AM EST

Trapped S

Trapped silence

Soundproof glass is all around me

I’m trapped in a 6 by 8

I sing a song that no one hears because

No one can relate

Only I can hear myself

They can’t hear me through the glass

My space is very limited

3 steps is all I last

I can’t tell them how I feel

Because they wouldn’t understand

I’m speaking words

My mouth is moving

But they’re deaf to hear the sound

I pace my 6 by 8

And i'm screaming

Let me out!

My mother was never there

and my father let me down

I pray for my mother’s presence

And I call my fathers phone

I speak through his phone

Leaving a message

Saying daddy please be home!

I’m in trapped silence

Words unheard

Kept inside this box

No one sees me

No one hears me

I seem silent

but i’m not I’m just ………trapped in this silent box

� By nijah a Thomas


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Apr 2009
3:24 AM EST

Traooed Silence

Trapped silence

Soundproof glass is all around me

I’m trapped in a 6 by 8

I sing a song that no one hears because

No one can relate

Only I can hear myself

They can’t hear me through the glass

My space is very limited

3 steps is all I last

I can’t tell them how I feel

Because they wouldn’t understand

I’m speaking words

My mouth is moving

But they’re deaf to hear the sound

I pace my 6 by 8 And i'm screaming

Let me out!

My mother was never there

and my father let me down

I pray for my mother’s presence

And I call my fathers phone

I speak through his phone

Leaving a message

Saying daddy please be home!

I’m in trapped silence

Words unheard

Kept inside this box

No one sees me

No one hears me

I seem silent but i’m not

I’m just ………trapped in this silent box

By nijah a Thomas


Tags: sad
1 comment(s) - 08:06 PM - 06/19/2012
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Feb 2009
4:10 AM EST

is it the world or is it me

is it the world or is it me!!!!!?

whats wrong with the world today

every single thing is getting on my nerves

is it the world or is it me

there must be something hidden

that only my eyes cant see

first there is no answer

then theres a disconnection

happiness fades away slowly

everything becomes a burden

im trapped between my own 4 walls

escaping from the world

or is the world escaping from me

am i everybodys problem�

or is the problem within me

theres a possibility

�is is the world or is it me

Tags: scream
1 comment(s) - 08:34 AM - 02/20/2009
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Jan 2009
7:58 AM EST


special����������������������������������� 1/20/09

��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� By :Nijah A Thomas

you are so special to me

you bring a smile to me

you give a special hug

you share a special smile

you got a special happiness

that makes me happy too.

Tags: happy
1 comment(s) - 08:32 AM - 02/20/2009
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Jan 2009
8:35 AM EST

tear stained

Tear Stained�������� by Nijah A Thomas

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oh tear stained soul

why do you cry

i cry because i try to be graceful

but my wings jost fail to fly

oh tear stained heart

why do you cry

i cry because i try to love

but the love just runs away

oh tear stained eyes

why do you cry

i cry because i see the pain

but the stain just wont come out

oh tear stained child

why do you cry

i cry becausei am tear stained

and my soul,heart and eyes

cry with me so im not alone

in this tear stained game

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NijahThomas14's Profile

  • Username: NijahThomas14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: USA - Ohio