Jenee's Journal

Dec 2008
8:44 AM PDT

Fridays and Friends, i guess?

Today is a wonderful friday! things have been running really smooth with the start off of a wonderful luncheon that my boss threw for the ERT members. Good Job michele!��today is the start off to hopefully a really relaxing and exciting weekend! My nephew is turning 1 year old tomorrow, its funny how fast 12 months can fly and a person's life can change in just so little time. with my new nephew around, the family has definitely came closer and so has the age of the rest of our family to start popping out some kids. Im now 21 years old (still in my Prime) but have considered maybe having one for sake of a new chapter to start in my everyday routine life. BUT, Im pretty happy not having to deal with the worries and headaches that come with a child. I plan to live up my prime as much as possilbe. Lately, I been trying to figure out if my friends are my true friends. I lived an hour away a few months back and i just recently moved closer to my hometown and things still seem distant with them. I would always make the effort to make time for them and spend $40.00 dollars a saturday just so i could be in the comfort of my old high school chicas! but the favor hasnt been returned as often as i would like and as often I made time for them! Oh well, is all i can say now but in time hopefully there effort will improve. besides all the sad stories i can go on and on about, my new place, I absolutely adore! everyday after work i love to go home walk through the door and slip off my 4 inch high heels, and dig my toes into the plush carpet in the living room, grab a blanket and veg out on the couch watching my fav, "what not to wear." tonight will be one of those nights, maybe but i think i might have me a glass a wine and add my new cozy slippers i bought. Happy Friday everyone!

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Oct 2008
10:18 AM PDT


Well it has been an awful long time, so many things have happened. I just recently moved to Pleasanton, which is way closer to my job. I only have to drive like 5 minutes to go to work and it is the best feeling ever. where i was living before was in Oakland. It was bad ever sinced i first moved there. I hated the weather, the people, and how everything seemed so damn busy all the time. I felt like i was 3,000 miles away from home. Now i live at least a 40 minute drive from my moms house and just a hop skip and a jump from work. I absolutely love my new place. I get to go home and have lunch at my house. I could lay in bed if i wanted to, but haven't done it yet; Im afraid i wont wake up in time. Anyway, Cameron is completely out of my life. He wants nothing to do with me because how i hurt him so bad. This guy really loved me and i let him down completely. I hate hurting peoples feelings. If i could somehow show him that i will always have respect for him for showing me that someone can love me with all of their heart, I would. Overall, he is a good man at heart, but like he said, "Im always gonna be a thug" I can't live that way, I need a man with a good head on his shoulders, who will take care of his responsibilities and work hard for his money, instead of slangin. Oh well, after timed served, he will be a better man and hope to leaned a lesson. on another note, I been reading the book Twilight, Its pretty awesome. It certainly is a page turner and keeps me on my toes. Im halfway through the book and I highly recommend someone pick it up and start reading it. well i feel like i released everything that was on my mind so goodbye for now and until next time�

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Sep 2008
10:08 AM PDT

List of frusterations!

okay so i was told that it wasnt healthy to go back and read your journals, well, only if you wrote one when you were mad. but i guess i can put this entry in that category. I have list of frusterations. I orderd my textbooks form my english class and one of them arrived and the other has not. The one that did is the wrong one! I really didnt spend that much on it but still the fact that i spend money on it and for it to be the wrong one! IM PISSED, I really hope that today i go home and my other book has arrived. That is the most important one, i have like a ton of homework in that specific book and i ordered it like 2 weeks ago. This has been buggin me all week. Im an impatient person but this is rediculous already. I NEED THEM. Another thing that is bothering me is that my boyfriend Jorge really doesnt call me throughout the day like he used to. He used to text me whenever he got a chance and now he doesnt even try. It makes me a little skeptical of what he might be up to. But Like I always say, "leave it in gods hands" I pray that he keeps me from heartache and that I no longer have to worry about what he is up to. I really need to concentrate on my self. No more worring about others. Im young and beautiful and i shouldn't have to worry if someone is going to cheat on me! As long as i have my family, they are really all i need. I thank god for them being a part of my life and having such a big role. I really dont know where i would be without them. I dont need a man to make me feel happy, or wanted. All i need is myself and my family and friends. Guys are just acessories! WE dont need them, but we can have them if we WANT them, I just need to concentrate on me and my future and that is final!!! Sometime i loose sight of that and i cant do that anymore! I wont!!!

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Aug 2008
9:43 AM PDT

A night Alone!

So tonight I have the House all to myself, Jorge is going out with the fellas. I have no idea what to do I really wish I had My textbooks for school so i can get some major homework done. My Professor gave us like a ton of home work. It consists of alot of reading but i could totally handle that. I like to read and write so this class should be a breeze. I really hope I do good this semester, Grades should be a sinch since i really have a laid back job. I should be able to get homework done throughout the day. I think imma order me a movie tonight and pick out an nice outfit to wear to my first day of elementary algebra. Ha ha ha I know, i know, My math level is not really up to par but hey at least im in school right? being in school gives me this sense of security as if Im taking care of business. Last night when i was released from my english class, I felt Good. Like if i did a good deed such as Lend a friend some money. It felt similar to that feeling. I am very thankful that I am back in school and I really hope that this semester goes by smooth and quick, as one of my instructor's at Western career college would say! Those were the good days but anyway, I might be back tonight to express my feelings and what my night really turned out to be, but im pretty sure its gonna be calm and fun. I hope to eat popcorn and maybe watch a chick flick. LOL so cliche! but hey, if the shoe fits right? Anywhoozers i will let you know how my night is going later on! tootles!

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1 comment(s) - 06:55 AM - 08/23/2008
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Aug 2008
10:13 AM PDT

My uncle, The distinctive laugh, the diehard 49er fan he will be forever missed until we reunite in heaven. My uncle just recently passed and My mom out of all the 6 brothers and 6 sisters was the most devastated. I really wish i could be there for her. me living an hour and half away from her its hard to see them whenever i feel like being with family. My uncle Louis was a very kinder and gentle individual. Being in his prescence made you feel that nothing could go wrong. He was very strong fighting his cancer, when the doctors told him he had a few months to live he outlasted for a year and half. The day had finally arrived for our lord Jesus to have him go with him. I know he is in peace and is no longer in pain. I love my uncle and always will. He showed me what strength and courage really looks like. Everytime I think of a strong man who fought for his life, My uncle's face appears with a yellow glow aura. Im glad i had the chance to know a man such as him in my life. My father will never meet up to the standards he laid out. My uncle proved to be a reliable father to his two children, being a man of his word. my dad will never be able to meet to that! I love you tio We will miss you!!
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Aug 2008
10:24 AM PDT

Love me when I need it!

At times, I sit alone and think about my past and how i have treated people. A moment in time can be only be for that moment, there is no way you can change it but to do it the rigtht way! "Treat others how you want to be treated," Jorge's voice replays in my head reminding me that I am Selfish. Am i really? Do i only think of about my needs and not others? I was told this by my boyfriend and my sibilings.�The people that are closest to me recognize that Im just another one of the evil step sisters. (so to speak) I feel like my attitude towards others needs to do a complete 360. Maybe I wouldnt think so negative anymore, I suppose emotions are based off of my actions and my actions are what people think of me day�to day. at work, people might think Im a stuck up individual. I keep to myself because im afraid of what one might think of me, if i say something wrong, look at them in a wierd way. Me of all people hate to be judged! The positive way to look at it would be just being independent and looking after myself. I think i might have taken that concept and put a whole new twist on it. I really need to think for others more, The quote of the day reads, ""Love me when I least deserve it, because that’s when I really need it."�I feel like this applies to me in so many ways. At the times where im am cold and careless, that is when i need attention the most. I use being selfish as a shield for protection. Protection from getting hurt by the ones that are close to me. Brother, sisters, mother, father and boyfriend. The list of names have all let me down one way or another. The emotion of selfish protects me from thinkin me about others feelings. It protects me to feel whenever I am let down so i will then only concentrate on my feelings and the important things i need to make me happy. Cold, careless, nonchalantly acts from me, that is definitely a sign of me screaming for a hug, kiss or simply someone to just say Hi Jenee! Why am i this way? TO protect myself from any harm or let down! I guess i just need to learn a different method! where to begin?

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Jul 2008
10:29 AM PDT

My Ex!. . . .Yikes!

So i may still have a shot at this promotion! today my Supervisor informed on the latest on the open position! But we have to wait and see how all turns out. Lately I have been having Current issues of confusion. Well, about a several months back I was in deep depression for not having my other half around. My Current boyfriend and I had had a lil break for about 3 months. I finally won his heart back in January of this year. Things now are going smooth and like they say things must get worse to get better! and thats just what they were, there were issues after issues and now finally they are smoothed out. Here's where my confusion comes in and eats me alive. One of my Ex's from a long time ago has recently got in touch with me. I can honestly say This guy really loved me with all his heart, body and soul! I broke his heart and told me to leave me alone for the fact that my current came into my life. So now He has limited time here becasue he recently just got into some trouble and he will be heading to the big house soon (prison). My problem is LOVE! I really loved my ex once upon a time and him gettin in contact with� me has made me miss all the times we had. I was the one to break my ex's heart and after all that i put him through he still loves me with all his heart!!! Im sooooooo damn confused Because i loved him the same way he loved me but His lifestyle is what made me to look for better! over all he was the best lover I ever had! He loved me and i knew he loved me with all his might! and i messed it up but having the urge to find someone with a better head on his shoulders. My ex told me that he was doing well for himself, he was going to school, and concentrating on just him. That he was influenced in some kind of drug deal and it was a drug deal that went bad! I still love him but i know i will be more stable with the guy im currently with, the only bad part about my boyfriend now is that i have a bit of trust issues with him and my ex i didn't! ugggghhh im soo damn confused its killing me and i cry every now and again because im not sure what i should do. . . . . .So confused

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Jul 2008
9:09 AM PDT

Summer Rays!!

okay im makin up for the past couple of days that i havent been able to write yall! but yeah my 4th of july weekend was pretty cool! For the 4th, I went to My bf's family's house and watched the fireworks there! It was pretty nice. I really wished i would have watched them with my own family but they went to my cousin's wedding. Who friggin has a wedding on The 4th of July??? Like seriously, i was a bit upset about that but whatever, thats life! anywhozers. My weekend continued and i must say Sunday was the best day out of the entire weekend! I GOT TO GO SWIMMIng for the first time this summer!!! I have been dying to get a tan I hope i can catch some more rays this summer, I really wanna tan! but hey its only mid summer so im pretty sure i will have time to catch some later on!
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Jul 2008
9:26 AM PDT

Smoove Day!!! LOL. . .it was In gods Hands!!

okay everyone! Today I left my day in the lords hands and it ended up turning out super calm and not hectic at all whatsoever. there were some aggravating moments i had but, I got through them. Today afterwork Im going over to Michaels to pick some brushes for my eyeshadows! Icant wait I been wanting to buy new brushes foever. Anywho My 21st birthday just passed last friday, June 27th and it was the best day. all that day my boyfriend made sure that i was treated like a princess! and when night fell, It was time to party with friends and family. My boyfriend got me a party bus and it was fully loaded with flat screen tv's, nine hunderd watt system and the seating in the party bus was incredible. It was like a huge Limo! I would start the night all over if i could! Im so glad that my friends were able to come out and celebrate my 21st with me! Everyone on the bus had a fantastic time. The day after, everyone called us and made sure we had fun becasue they had a blast! Now im glad i can say I partied extra hard on my 21st as for some people that cannot. : ( The only thing that sucked that night was that my Best friend couldnt make it, only because she isn't� 21 yet. I cant wait til her birthday, we are gonna party like its 1999! Ha ha ha LOL. But anwhosers, Today's day was pretty mellow, and as for tonight its Jorge's turn to make dinner! he he, i think he's making shrimp and rice. I love my Boyfriends cooking! He's my own little personal chef and i love it!!! This weekend is 4th of July and hopefully all turns out well! I think we are going to my boyfriends mom's house. Then hopefully, (since the 4th lands on a friday) we can go and have drinks with our friends. All of my close friends live in my hometown and My boyfriends mom lives in my hometown! so I will mos def have to reunite with them this weekend. I miss them like crazy. Living in the city aint no joke! But it does make me appreciate hell of a lot more then where i used to live! COWTOWN!!!! Tracy! ha ha ha Tomorrow I have to come in earlier but that means i get to leave early Yay!!! and tomorrow is the beginning of my weekend! Cant Wait . . . until next time Journalee's . . . . Jenee!

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Jun 2008
9:36 AM PDT


today's day was a bit boring! everyone was coming in today sayin that it was really warm and hot outside but me, being stuck in one spot all day didnt get to experience the weather! I wanna get a friggin tan. At around 2:00pm today i was getting extremely tired! I wanted to just lay down and go mee mee's! but then I ate a banana and had a cup mint tea and i feel better then ever. I just bought the Damn voyager and hopefully its worth the $231.00 that i worked hard for! ha ha anywho this will be my birthday gift to get myself. Since my birthday is next week! Next Friday! I cant wait. Its my 21st Damn it!! I feel that after i turn 21 i have a lot more opportunity out there for me. My eyes will finially open and explore new things that are in store for me. Spreading my wings and finally making grown woman decisions. I cant be distracted any longer. I need to concentrate on me and the becoming of me. For who I am today will affect me tomorrow. Its time to break the chain of repetitiveness. Its crazy how one day can change your life tor the next 3 years. Life is so random. who knows what might happen tomorrow? Hopefully postive things, I leave my days in the lords hands, He drives and I just sit back in the passenger side hoping all goes well!!!!
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Jun 2008
10:16 AM PDT

At ease!

My day today was a lot better then Yesterday's. I actually felt alot more confident that my day would swift by easier today. I think it might have been outfit that changed my whole mood. I felt more confident coming to work today knowing that I looked presentable for a billion dollar company. Those were the guidelines to follow when i first started here but there is way that I kind of bend the rules just a Tad for my own comfortablility. Who wants to High heels everyday and collared shirts. I'm more of a laid back type of chick but then again whenever I do dress up in the "Corporate Attire" My days seem to go by a lot smoother. I guess my whole issue is just to Follow Dress code.
Well, what lead me to dress more appropriate today then yesterday was that my supervisor called 30 minutes after I got home from work last night. She had the news that i had been waiting for for about 2 weeks now. She receieved an email from one of the Executive Administrative assistant stating they wanted to schedule an interview sometime With ME!!! But this interview was only done out of favor from my supervisor. My supervisor insisted on this interview to take place so the resulting news from the news is that I didnt get the postion! But Honestly, I really dont care. The position entails alot of tiedious work that i already know i will get frusterated with! I love my job that I hold now. Its so laid back and if i were to take some college online courses, It would most definitely not be a problem. So Im really happy with my current position. I have only been with the company for five months and loving it! The only that is a downfall with this job is i need more things to do to fill out my day! Other then that I LOVE it! My current mood is relieved because I finally got that Damn interview over with! This meeting Has been bugging for the past 2 weeks and Im extremely alleviated that its finally out of the clear. Hopefully there will be another open position soon that fits more my style!


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Jun 2008
9:50 AM PDT

Shity mood!

So today, Im have been in a real shitty mood! I have no Idea why! I just been hella annoyed all damn day and its frusterating me that my mood is this way. I hope to be in a better mood later on tonight. I really hate mondays they are the wackest day of all days. Maybe thats what it is? Its only Monday! The only thing I am excited is to get out of this hard ass chair and go home. I wanna change into some more comfortable attire and just relax. I hate being in crappy moods like this, Oh so today I ordered two dresses that i might be wearing to the night of my birthday! one is purple and the other is a really nicely fit Salmon color! Hopefully it fits i usually dont buy anything that i buy online but I had to buy these because they were absolutely adorable! Im crossing my fingers that they fit me. Im pretty sure the purple one will but im not sure about the salmon one!! oh well we will just have to see when it arrives! My birthday is right around the corner and i really hope everything turns out how its supposed! I want my Bday to be memorable and memorable in a good way. But i will have to definitely have to get back to you on that and let you know how it all turns out. Im anxious I want it to be here already! CANT WAIT!!!!!
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Jun 2008
9:56 AM PDT

House to myself. . .

When i was gettin dressed for work this morning, I knew it was going to be a smooth relaxing day. When i was brushing my teeth, i already knew what i had to do next and usually I dont. Its always finishing one thing and then it comes to a stop then like 5 minutes later I start to pick out what Im going to wear for the day. Today started out really well. The only thing i could say that messed up my day at work were my Pumps. It feels like one of them is too big and the other fits too small. I don't know, maybe I just have toi break them in. I also had me and Peets White chocolate Mocha this morning and it had me goiing like 110 MPH. I felt like a bum on crack. It was funny!. Finally, I had lunch and my jitteryness calmed down a bit, but now I can say my day Is going pretty smooth. I get to have the House to myself tonight so Im going to concentrate on me. I have to repaint my toe nails and nails, make me something to eat (forst and foremost) then clean the kitchen, and probably the bedroom too. My boyfriend most likely left it a mess! Oh well gives me more to do. I finally get to start the book that I been wanting to read for the past couple of days. Tonight I have to make sure its all about me and no one else. I hardly get to have these times and so Does my boyfriend. These are the moments where we can really find ourselves or sometimes loose oursleves, but of course loose ourselves in finding ourselves! (if that makes any sense) I love watching shows I like to watch and Doing things I like to do. So tonigtht, I have a Hot date With ME!!!!
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Jun 2008
9:14 AM PST


Demonstrating integrity means to me, being a role model in a young souls mind. Making the right decisions when they are to be made, and following what you think will be the right decision. As for me, I have a 9 to 5 job and I feel that Im only limiting myelf to only what is in front of me all day. Im only 20 years old and i have some big things to take care of. I need to get back in school and finish my education, but is there ever really an end to education? To me there isn't and you can never really put a price on it either. Demonstrating integrity on myself would be making the right choice. I feel that lately I have been doing the complete opposite of that. I really wish i could back to school and finish what i started. Well, I will. I have a great ambisson to become someone to fill out my career as a Journalist of Magazine! Today, I felt really sick of where i sit at work. It made me feel that my life is going nowhere if i seriously dont get back into school! I love learning, being able to expand my horizons. School is my life and i need to hurry up and get back in it before i get to old!
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Jenee's Profile

  • Username: Jenee
  • Gender / Age: Female, 38
  • Location: USA - California
    JENEE's Interests:

    About Me: im just a girl who is pretty laid back but loves to go out when that time comes around. Family is first no matter what, I love to laugh, shop, gossip, sing in the car extra loud, just pretty much what every girl does but i have uniqueness about me that no one else can imitate, I love life and hope to live it to the fullest.

    Favorite Music: I listen to everything and when I say everything i mean everything! Im pretty open Minded.

    Favorite Movies: too many to name but if i had to name just one It has to be Titanic!

    Favorite Television: not too much of a TV person only watch it if i get really bored!

    Favorite Books: The alchemist, purpose driven life, where the heart is