
Apr 2009
12:32 PM CST


I know, I�haven't written for a while. But not too uch has bee ngoing on. Just everyday drama... yuck. But Ryleys Is made at me and Jacey cause I am "replacing her." I just get so irritated cause she treats Jacey like crap and I always try to be there for her. But Ryley doesn't tell her anything but she expects jacey to tell her every fricken detail that goes on in her life. Jacey doesn't have much drama except for Ryley. But Jacey really likes tis guy and they talked every night for like two months but then he thought it would be best to quit talking becase he lived a while away. (Not at the same scool as Ryley's bf) but He just texted her the other day saying he was sorry and her still really liked her and he didn't forget her. Jacey wanted to tell Ryley but she didn't know. She ended up telling her and Ryley was like "Cool. I�think Mackenzie is talking to him too." Mackenzie is this girl who is really slutty and she "likes" everyguy she talks to. Of course Jacey was upset. Her feelings get urt really easily. I ujt get so frustrated.

7 comment(s) - 08:14 PM - 04/12/2009
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Mar 2009
9:21 AM CST

And now...

She took him back!!!! He made up some lame story to cover it up and she bviously believed it. I do not like him at all. I don't like this.

1 comment(s) - 05:51 PM - 03/31/2009
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Mar 2009
2:58 PM CST


So Ryley's boyfriend... the one she had sex with,,, cheated on her with TWO other girls! God!�I'm sooo mad!�How could he do that?!�Esspecially after... UGH! i just had to vent a little!!!�

1 comment(s) - 03:04 PM - 03/31/2009
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Mar 2009
9:02 AM CST


So yesterday Ryley and I�got into a fight. But oddly we are better than before the fight. I've been talking to her constantly!�(= I'm glad I have her back. We have kinda drifted apart in the past year.

So let's get to the really important stuff.

Last night Lucas gave me a promise ring. I�am sooo happy!�Everyone seems to Dissaprove except for Jacey and Ryley, but yeah. I could honestly spend the rest of my life with him.


1 comment(s) - 05:08 PM - 03/26/2009
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Mar 2009
6:37 AM CST


I am writing this song and it's the best one I've written but I�can't finish it!�I just can't think of anything! Ugh! So frustrating!!� Anyway, I�am so bored. I'm thinking about taking a walk. I've been doing that alot lately. It's jst been so nice. I�love this spring break!

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Mar 2009
6:34 AM CST

Spring break!

I totally needed this break. Between chemistry and geometry I've been so stressed out. It''s time to relax. Yesterday Me and Jacey walked around town all day. It was so nice out! But today is even nicer. So I think I'm gonna take a walk. Then Lucas is coming over and I'm going to the movies with Ashely, Jasmine and Lucas. Party!

1 comment(s) - 05:42 PM - 03/17/2009
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Mar 2009
4:24 PM CST


So my friend (Cassie) has this boyfriend. And they have only been dating for a little over a month. But he is a man whore and she has already been shirtless in front of him. I know that he is going to pressure her to do more. And she, being the way she is, will either let him or say no. and if she says no he will get bored and break up with her. She is crazy about him, but honestly I�don't like him. He is jst a jerk to all of her friends. And it's so gross because he is constantly pulling her away from the group and grabbing her butt in front of al of us. It's disgusting. I just want her to know what I�really think of him. because how would she know? I'm not the type of person who enjoys confrontation. Ugh, I jst don't know.


5 comment(s) - 11:35 AM - 03/15/2009
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Mar 2009
3:43 PM CST


You know, It continues to amaze me. I think back to elementary school when all you needed to worry about is if you were going to pack your lunch or buy it.

Now everything seems to be about sex.�I can't go a day in school without hearing about it. I'm just so sick of it.

I�have this friend (We'll call her Ryley) that I�used to be really close with. We are still close, but lately we haven't been. I just found out that she has already had sex. Okay. A)We are freshmen. and�B)She has only been dating him for about two months. She is way in over her head. I just worry about her.

My sixth period class is art. I love art. It's one of my favorite classes. But now, I�dread going there. Everyday I just hate going there. Why? Well, there is a couple that sits at my table. Thay are always talking about when they had sex. Or when they took a shower together. Really? I don't want to hear that.

And honestly. That is personal. You would think that people would want the whole world to know that.

Anyway now everybody knows about Ryley and her boyfriend and she is pissed because she confided that information with one of my best friends�(we'll call her Ashely)�and she told me, and my two other friends. (We'll call them Jasmine and Jacey)

So now there is like this feud thing and I just don't want to get involved.

But anyway my I am completely in love with my boyfriend. (let's call him Lucas.) We have been dating for three months since March 7th. He is my other half. He tells me he wants to spend the rest of�his life with me. And I�know where I�stand on the whole sex thing. I don't want to do it untill I'm married. He is fine with that. but peopl assume things. They assume that we will do stuff or that he is going to pressure me to do things. But see. He's not like that. Even my mom doesn't think he is like that. If she thinks it's fine, then how come my friends can't?

Anyway, I�just want to avoid the whole sex topic period. But I�don't want to be a bitch when they start talking about it. how can I�just avoid it? Please help me. I'm just a teenage girl who is sick of it.


1 comment(s) - 11:48 AM - 03/15/2009
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  • Username: JBaby14
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Iowa
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    JBABY14's Interests:

    About Me: I am just your average teenager. I have a comfuseing life. But I try to stay happy and find something to smile about everyday. I have this amazing guy and the 3 best friends anyone could ask for. Music is my escape from life. All I need to relax is my guitar and my voice. /* {--myspace css code start--} */ /* {--myspace css code end--} */

    Interests: Singing. Acting. Texting. (=

    Favorite Music: Taylor Swift. Secondhand Sereade.

    Favorite Movies: Twilight. A Walk to Remember. The Notebook. Step Brothers.

    Favorite Books: Twilight Series. Anything my Sarah Dessen, Nicholas Sparks or Jodi Picoult.