
Nov 2009
8:02 PM BST

thank you anyway

our friend dorthy passed away.It just breaks my faith in the holy spirit,jesus christ,lamb of god his word and god himself. Agin, which has been happening for sevarl years now... and is happening over and over and over all the time. Faith and then no faith.. Peace in my spirit.. and then none.... no answers from the holy spirit. nothing of caLVERY OR HIS SON ALIVE. of calvery regarding my daughter AND WHAT IS HAPPENING BETWEEN HIM AND HER ME AND HER AND THE REST OF US,ABSOULTLY NOTHING IN MY OPIONION, �SHE IS TOTALLY ATHEIST AND HATES ME BLAMING ME FOR EVERYTHING IN HER LIFE AND NO ANSWERS TO ANY PRAYER ABOUT THIS. sHE WHOLE HEARTLY despises and hates me now AND HAS BEEN TURNED TOTALLY AGINST ME AND I DONT EVEN KNOW WHY., no answers.. from heaven OR EVEN FROM HER OR ANYONE ELSE. on waether my mother is dead or alive... no answer, as to why �MY family �NOW hates and disowns me WHEN THEY DID NOT IN THE PAST. i feel he has given the devil �A EVIL SPIRIT OR SPIRITS, a playground in our �HUMAN spirits, IN OUR hearts ,self ,soul ,and mind. CONDEMING US THROUGH THE BLOOD OF THE LAMB AND HIS LOVE AND HIS WORD BECUSE WHAT IS HAPPENING IS TOTALLY AGINST EVERYTHING HE SAYS IN HIS WORD AND HE FAILD ME MISERABLY BY CONTINUEING TO DO ABSOULTLY NOTHING AT ALL ABOUT IT TURNING HIS ALL KNOWING ALL POWERFUL ALL PRESENT BACKS ON US AND JUST WATCHING LIKE THAT DOES ANY OF US ANY SALVATION AT ALL YEA RIGHT. i AM TOTALLY CONVINCED OF THIS TOTALLY BY WHAT I FEE,HEAR AND SEE FROM HIM AND EVERY OTHER SPIRIT. MEANING HUMAN THAT ARE REALATED TO ME IN MY FORMER FAMILY FAMILY THAT LOVED GOD AND ME THAT I GREW UP WITH, AND SPIRITS OF THE �OTER WORLD AFTER WE DIE.. �I BELIEVE THIS� statement whole hardly AND COULD NEVER BELIEVE ANYTHING ELSE BY WHAT I AM EXPEREINCEING INSIDE ME AND OUT SIDE OF ME NUTS OR WHAT EVER. NON BELIEVERS SAY IM NOTS OTHERS WHO THE HELL CARES WHAT THEY SAY THERE NOT GOING THROUGH THIS IN ME I AM ALONE OBVIOUSLY. and am totalyy convinced of �THIS. so i hurt. in my spirit. the fruits of the spirit are not in �ME AT LALL I CANT EVEN PUT ON A HAPPY FACE ENJOY LIFE OR PLAY PRETEND ANY MORE EVEN THOUGH I HAVE A LOVING HUBAND AND FAMILY HIS MINE BY MARRIAGE ONLY WHILE HE HAS BOTH ME AND HIS FAMILY.. IT HURT S ME TO THE CORE OF MY SPIRIT AND BEING THAT GODS MERCY DOSNT EXIST FOR ME AND MY FAMILY BEFORE MARRIAGE. �or my atheist daughter �WHO IS SO BLIND SHE CANT EVEN PRAY OR HELP HERSELF IN ANYWAY. LIKE DEMONIC POESSION. AND� the family . THEY CANT OR WONT TURN AROUND EITHER AND I CANT EITHER IT EATS ME UP INSIDE THANK YOU JESUS HOLY SPIRT THANKS ALOT I COUNTED ON YOU AND BELIEVED YOU AND DAM IF I WAS MISTAKEN TO TRUST YOU AGIN DAMIT ANYWAY.that has turned there back on me... i pray the word, witness for him obey to the best of my human ability and it has counted for nothing for about 5 yrs or more not caring enough for me and mine to give an answer in a positive good way like he cliamed in the spirit of his holy word shame on me for thrusting shame on me im stupid . pray the spirit of the word and nothing. is i study the word i stay in the word i do everything he has said from his word and still unsanswered being totally hateful he and his word has turned his back on us totally �soemtimes i see his guidence through emails and messages from churches and websites but how do i know anyof his message is for me or mine when no answers to the prayers said for the 2nd or eternal death for grace love mercy and salvition through his spirit of his won words out of his mouth that hasnt happened or coem to pass . im at an all time low i cant fight this battle raging in my spirit anymore while i watch my shild as i sit here knowing that she could die anysecond and life for eternitiy in the damed from gods presence. �this is more then this human can cope with where is the truth in the spirit of gods word the bible why dosnt it come to pass for us?????�

2 comment(s) - 08:41 AM - 08/09/2012
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Nov 2009
7:28 PM BST


i have a new job volunteer. at the cancer research U.K. this is a total blessing. jim fixed a fantastic dinner, i managed to get some housework done today, i took some great photos in stalybridge today.im learning how to use my calander on yahoo today. and the biggest blessing is im still alive to have life today
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Oct 2009
7:16 PM BST

next on the agenda

our susan,my sister in law, bought 100 different flower bulbs and she bought some roses. when we go to riley mansion in clifton i love to pull weeds and work in the garden. To me it is so peaceful and fun to get in and get my hands dirty and then see the results when the flowers come up. I must have a hundred photos of flowers by now. I' amso looking forward to doing this. then next spring and summer when we go to visit the flowers will be everywhere and ill be running around ,camera in hand taking photos agin. right around the time of our honeymoon,which we went to yorshire and stayed at riley, i planted some wildflowers in back by a tree. So those also will come up. Our honeymoon was so cool. we went to holforth were the last of the summer wine was filmed. Since then we have been back to yorkshire to skipton castle,and haworth to see where the brontes lived and several other places. but back to gardening however. All the colors of the rainbow will be in these flowers. They just had a new fence done in the back and were planning to put clemetis to grow all over it as well.we plan on going to riley �next tuesday, so god willing the weather will be alright for the planting.

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Oct 2009
6:59 PM BST

update on dorthy

we have been told by her grandaughter that she clings to life, this was a couple of days ago. She floats in and out of conciouenesss. she is dieabetic, and has a one percent chance of survival. �it happened very suddenly and seeminly out of the blue. as far as everyone knew she had no symptoms at all. just bam,and oh my god, nooooo. This has come as a horrible shock to everyone that loves her and knows her.As we wait for news and pray believeing that we will be able to glorify god with this somehow, it is so terribly hard to wait for news.Not �knowing what to do.We are positive the doctors are doing there very best to care for her. �myslef i try to take my mind off of it but i cant really bear the thought of losing my friend.It is just so sudden and unbelievable.

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Oct 2009
6:11 PM EDT

please pray

our friend dorthy kilday unfornatly had an unexpected brain hemmorage. It was so unexpected out of the blue. never thought in a million years this would happen. we have not had any more word yet. but i blieve in a good out come and miricales thank you to anoyone out there who will pray for her
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Sep 2009
6:42 PM EDT

thank you for all the comments and your time

i did get married and now live in england. We are very happy together and this is and was the choice of the holy spirit .As i could never in a milliion years ever found love like this. As a human. We have been together 1 year and 3 months. currently� I'm now going through immigration agin. This time for a spouses visa to give me permission to work here and live here for 2 years as a wife and the identy card. It has been in the hands of imigration for 2 months with all the required paperwork and we are still waiting to hear from them but i believe i will recie it soon. As i have not been allowed to even do volunteer work or any work yet my gorgeous husband is paying for everything and the burden that is being placed on him is not easy at all.But today as we have in the past we wait in faith. Hoping soon it will come and then the job of finding work will begin. and in the future after we get permission for me to wrok i also plan on doing volunteer work as well. im not sure yet what type of job to look for . or weather or not i should look for part time or full tiem. We travel alot to �a different city to visit realitives. We enjoy �our family and friends and we enjoy the travel as well. also i have taken up belly dance ,yoga ,for excersize and have lost about 38 lbs or �from 12 stone to 9 stone in english weight from 165 lbs to 126 in american weight. I �have learned new reciepes and enjoy cooking as well. we have so much in common . we watch the same tv. shows we both are big fans of csi,gardners world, and coast. my favorite is hairy bikers(they are chefs and it is a cooking program). �faith. and love are the best blessings that i have been given and we are very happy. i dont know what is going on with you �and yours. i pray for everyone who reads this that they also be blessed with happiness,love and faith the way i have been. �have a brillent �wonderful day

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Sep 2009
6:20 PM EDT

prayer need,please

our friend dorothy kildey is in the hospital with a brain hemmorage right now,my daughter is an athiest,i dont know if my mom is alive, my sister disowned me over money. and my son in law simon just lost his job, my sister that disowened me is full of anxiety, my other sister sheila is having serious helath problems, as well as my brother ray. and i have a niece that also is athieist. we are really being hit hard by illness and things beyond our control or human control so im asking anyone who believes in jesus christ,holy spirit and god the father to please say a prayer thank you so very much god bless you shaom i bid you peace
1 comment(s) - 08:57 AM - 08/09/2012
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Sep 2009
6:33 PM EDT

health and what to do about it

im forming a plan to improve my physical spiritual and mental health in writing. i have already started putting some principles ino practice. starting wiht 2 spicial batsh per week, with candles,incense and music and a hot drink to realax and let go. yoga starting tommorow for 1/2 hours in the morning. dance 2 times a week yoga in the evening 2 times per week. We both love to cook my cooking days are thursdays and mondays. meditation is another thing im trying to make a habit of and put into practice. doing these things every day with out putting this off is the hardest thing i have ever had to do but i dont give up. learning to believe and have faith by practice is alos a must and very hard to achieve but im doing it. Trying to live moment by moment instead of being overwelmed trying to do to many things at one time. and one day at a time through belief and faith practice will get this done. i have already started putting fish fruit and vegtables in my life more and am reaping the benifits already, lost weight, better feelings, not as many negative emotions. the hardest thinkg in all of it is improving the thought life through belief that i have the power to do so myself and am doing this. you are what you think, thoughts produce action so now that i fell i have the power to make it better im doing this also. life just keeps improving for us.
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Sep 2009
7:47 PM EDT

enjoying life

life is so wonderful here. we have really been enjoying the life we have. Recently we went to clifton. had many great tiems wiht family and friends. And a fantastic walk in the woods.I am also learning to do meditation the christian way in order to learn to let go and realax. In the last year things have changed so much for the better. We are ggoing back to clifton on saturday and were looking forward to it alot.Im learning to cook new things like meat pies and indian samosas and currys. We have a good time everyday. to me this is the way life should be.It is far to short not to enjoy life.
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Aug 2009
5:22 PM EDT

training videos

i now have several videos on you tube that im using for traing,watching them over and over agin. until every move is in my subconcious and i can remeber every move. with out watching the video .to me this is step one,at the same time picking time to do some moves which i have learned and strength excersizes in order to be able to do this. this is step 2, then i plan on doing a full dance in costume for my husband.after i have practiced the dance routine and know it. for me this is the last step.
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Aug 2009
5:14 AM EDT

it is a brillent good day

ive lost a whole bunch of weight since i started belly dance a few months ago,my dancing is getting better,im healther,i feel so much better,im happy with my life now and im sharing it with my husband, things are going well and we have worked annd are sorting out any problems we have together,life is so enjoyable
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Apr 2009
6:15 PM EDT

we are getting there

the wedding is this tuesday we have the rings and are putting on the final touches, we are both so excited.theres alot to look forward to in life and we have our honymoon set, and everything is working so well.this is such a gift from jesus christ love with no hassles, no pain a great investment in the future
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Apr 2009
5:17 AM EDT

the day is set

we have set the wedding date,it will happen may 5,2009 at 2;00 pm it will happen and we are so looking forward to it,we are almost ready just one more ring to get and hopefully a brides bouguet and done,timeflys and it is so soon ,but im so happy and he is too.
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Apr 2009
6:26 AM EDT


we now have an appointment to register and set the date,we will set the date by phoe after we talk to people and work it out, so it is getting better and im sharing life with jim and loving it looking forward to it.
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Mar 2009
1:28 PM EDT

another answer to prayer

we recieved letter by post that we will get our marriage certificates then we can proceed to set the date one thing at a time on obstacle at a time one day at a time. we are getting it done. we are having a terrific life together and im so glad after the way i was brought up and what i been through that jesus christ answered my prayer for love esp.in my older age as im no spring chicken any more. ive been suffereing from a frozen shoulder but god blss jims heart he got me a hot water bottle im on medication as it is excruciating painful and jim got me a hot water bottle for the pain it is not a permenant condition but can be very painful. but it is healing and day by day things are better love makes everything better even in obstacles.
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Mar 2009
9:02 AM EDT

answered prayer and miracles

i have had somany answered prayers every obstacle has been mowed down so far and this happened in a few ways 1 i stepped out in faith believing that as i contacted anddid what i neede to do god would answer 2- people praying for me and 3- relying on the faith of jesus christ not my faith alone he who is promised is faith ful as the obstacles have been mowed down my faith has got stronger and im happier believing in the goodness mercy god its the only way to go and it has made a big big difference in my life
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Feb 2009
2:26 PM EDT

everything in newark did work out

iam back in england anticpating a spring wedding with james im also believeg that i will be allowed to stay in england allowed to get a job in england and allowed to have life here the future looks so great i have learned that god has sufficient grace to give me this as it is acoording to his will he is love and to love and be loved is definaltly the will of jesus christ so i firmly turst and believe this will happen he has gotten me through every obstacle that has come my way so far and there have been many and i firmly hold on to the truth that this is his will for my life and he alone will do this and i am so thankful to jesus christ and happy about the way everything has and is turning out
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Nov 2008
8:31 PM EDT

my life now

i started on and incredible journey of faith almost 5 months ago,i stepped out in faith sold things and left for another country.i met a wonderful man by way of internet,he asked me to marry, well now i will make a new journey back to the states,except to a city ive never been in called newark new jersey.i dont know where faith will lead me but becuse i believe that all things work out for the good for them that love god that are called accoriding to his purpose this is the most incredible journey and adventure ive ever been on and i believe it will work out. i believe in the immpossible,that my daughter will become christian instead of atheist and that god is in complete control and as a result of living out my beliefs today im extremely happy and am ready to face any obstacles in my life with the help of my god who i believe in and it is so wonderful to have someone other then my own self to believe. it is nice to have someone you trust who will always be there for you.it is the greatest thing in the world to know that you are loved for who you are no matter what happens. this is absoultly birillent,i have met someone who does love me.and i am very happy.
1 comment(s) - 10:35 AM - 11/28/2008
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Oct 2008
5:16 PM EDT

so glad i became and adventerer and came

going to the riley mansion this weekend cant wait.since ive been here ive had so much love and happiness and joy i never knkew i could be this happy or feel like this ive made newfriends.found people that are a joy to be around played bingo,seen brillent churches,musuems,gallerys,pubs,canel walks,great shopping,and it has all had a very positive effect on my life.the gardens parks flowers trees plants things ive never seen before it is absoultly brillent. i love the sheep in the fields the horses cattle hills ive never seen a place so close to heaven or so bueatiful in all my life and im really happy
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Aug 2008
5:18 PM EDT


been here a month,love england,would appreciate a prayer for me and jim that gods will be done and we will be able to get married,we love each other alot.nicest coolest person i ever met happy with him he seems to be happy with me it is bueatiful here gorgeous countryside,fantastic food,exciting places to see and nice place to love and be hope if god is willing through his son that it will work out and ill be allowed to marry jim and it will be ok if you ve time please pray for us wed appricate it thank you much
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timeflys's Profile

  • Username: timeflys
  • Gender / Age: Female, 69
  • Location: United Kingdom
    TIMEFLYS's Interests:

    About Me: im a female. happily married to a brillent man.

    Interests: gardens,cooking,sewing,travel,writing,music

    Favorite Music: everything except metal,heavey metal rap and the like.

    Favorite Television: csi,hairy bikers,coast top gear

    Favorite Books: bible,anything on nature camping and wildlife yoga, massage ,medicine