smb's Journal

Dec 2006
4:02 AM MST

Oh it has been so long since I wrote.... lots has happened. Wed before THanksgiving I stopped at my inlaws. They so KINDLY gave me D's 8000.00 funeral bill so I can PAY THEM! They didn't get defensive about CN but did ask where he was from and his last name "because they thought they recognized him" BUT really they don't know him at all!!! They wanted me to come for THANKSGIVING and had just invited me that day,,, the day before thanksgiving wasn't going to work for me! I was in a badass mood and didn't want to be around anyone. SO, I lied to them about where I was going and headed off to be with CN for the weekend. We went to his sisters for Thanksgiving dinner, it was nice. Then we took the boys to Happy Feet in Rapid which was fun. It was a nice relaxing weekend (in Spearfish). We got to work out Thursday and Friday which was great. ----- I haven't talked to my inlaws since. Jett was sick on Monday so I stayed home from work and felt "behind all week" I am busy with Body Shop orders and lots of other stuff!!! it is always, Going, going, going!!!!
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming