smb's Journal

Nov 2006
2:53 PM MST

I still haven't heard from my inlaws! I am pretty hurt they haven't invited me to Thanksgiving... as I found out from someone else they ARE having it at their house this year and did't let me know! I am sure they are talking bad about me and my "new man" I am sure I am a "fluzy",,, I was never good enough for their precious baby and I guess I'm still NOT! I would kind of like them to accuse me of something or try to "blame me" as I might come un-glued and "let em have it!" CN has been nothing but wonderful help and support for me! where the hell have they been and specially where have DB's brothers been! I am so hurt they have made NO attempt to come over here, offer to help or even try to spend time with their nephews! AGH! I am trying to "be the better person" and NOT talk bad about them but it is tough. I am going to CN's and his sisters for Thanksgiving because my inlaws haven't invited me yet and I am so mad at them right now I probably can't be around them and "be nice", besides,,, CN wants me to come with him and he deserves US!!! He WANTS US!!!! unlike my dead husbands family! THe boys and I went to Koda's ball game tonight, her mom said, THANKS for coming, more than her dad can do, he still hasn't showed up for 1 game yet" SO, if he can't even show up for his own daughters basketball games how can I expect him to see us!!! I am still missing DB so much, I have been lovin on my boys and praying over them so much lately! I am so blessed to have them! I need them! I am thankful for my boys, my brother & his family, my parents, my wondeful friends and co-workers,,, lots of people have invited me for Thanksgiving! I am so blessed to have them ALL!!! AND-- I love them ALL!!!!
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming