smb's Journal

Nov 2006
1:41 PM MST

What a busy last few days. CN is still here! He and my brother put in my new flooring in the kitchen in about 3 hours last night! It is beautiful! Should be for what I paid for it!!! BUT I LOVE my NEW kitchen! It looks so good! CN worked on "finishing" it (trim boards etc) all day! THEN when I came home there were flowers for me! He's amazing! I do love him!?!?! my inlaws called and said they were at the Jr High and wanted to stop by. I was so worried, and really wanted to "kick CN out" for a few hours while they came over but instead I had him stay and acted as if he were just a friend who came over to do my floor and I was cooking him dinner to "thank him" Well, that isn't a lie! I didn't want to make it a big deal~! But yet I also felt I couldn't ask him to leave when he's been here for over a week being my "right hand man" and helping me out more than ANYONE else in my life right now!~ I am sure they have tons of questions and are upset to see a man sitting in their son's chair at the dinner table! HOW hard that must be for them! I can't imagine! However I feel, A little sugar coating, on my part, doesn't hurt~! I want them to gradually work into the idea that I may have moved on,,, but I can just imagine that they are going to be "checking" for his pickup in the driveway and asking the boys and just "checking up on me" I know how they are!!! OH well, I can't feel guilty! I didn't do anything wrong and CN is the most wonderful guy I could've ever found to be with us... I know CN will NEVER replace D but he sure could fit into our family and he helps makes us happy (all of us!) LORD JESUS- I thank you for this day, I pray for Tom and Connie that they can understand and accept and hopefully even learn to like CN! I pray for You to help me feel okay about this and ease my mind that I made the right decisions, tonight and even for the past few months! I love you JESUS! AMEN
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming