smb's Journal

Oct 2006
1:18 PM MST

another day! Thank you God, I made it through, not quite sure how, after how it started out! I hit something on the way to work (something blew out in front of me or something!) anyway, got a nice hole in my passenger side, front tire! SO , I dropped J off at school and headed back into town and went straight to COOP, I made it before I was driving on the rim! Got back to work but had to take an hour off! AGH! Then I picked J up from school, took him to Janes, went to the dentist, got my teeth cleaned! and then I picked the boys up and went to the REC, (*REC daycare open from 4:30-8:00pm!) I only did 10 min. on the treadmill, I am so OUT OF shape because I don't have TIME! but oh well, still making time to lift and it SHOWS! I am pretty proud of how I look! WOOHOO! Wish D could see me now, wonder if he'd be proud! I MISS HIM! THEN by the time we got out of the REC we were all starving so I went through BK drive thru and got dinner! AGH! Oh well, quick and easy. What a busy day! I was actually gone from the house over 11 hours! Poor Sadies! She seems like she is doing okay but I feel like I have to prepare myself for her to kick the bucket, possibly any day! TIRED, sore and grouchy, gotta get to bed, don't know if I will call CN... don't really want to but feel like I should!
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming