smb's Journal

Jan 2007
2:12 PM MST

"There's a difference between interest and commitment. When you're interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstance permit. When you're committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results." - Art Turock My throat started hurting last night. Since Otto had strep (mon) I had my school do a throat culture on J and me. I still don't feel worth a hoot but I bet mine is sinus infection beacuse my ears and head hurts too! I had a great arm workout Monday and they are actually sore, I LOVE THAT! I usually can't get them sore anymore! Tom came over for dinner- brought Hong Kong! Good but probably not the best for me~! CN told me that his dog (the one I hate and want him to get rid of because he is mean) ran away, attacked another dog and bit CN! WOW! I think that says something about this dog and CN's dog training ability. I was sworn to secrecy but I had to tell someone (Tom) He suggested to give him to someone who's going to take him hunting and work him alot and someone who doesn't have kids and who isn't afraid to whoop his butt! I thought that was a great idea! O has had two night waking up DRY in real underwear!!! J was jealous. Poor guy, I wish J would stop wetting the bed! That would be crazy to be done with diapers and pullups and all that! Getting close I think. Better get to bed, I still need to set out clothes for tomorrow and call CN.
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smb's Profile

  • Username: smb
  • Gender / Age: Female, 49
  • Location: USA - Wyoming