meagan's Journal

Aug 2008
10:44 AM EST


I haven't posted for a LONG time here!� Let me update you all... I'm over 8 months pregnant (less than 4 weeks to go till my due date) so I haven't been training for a fitness competition or anything like that lately.� But, thinking about it, getting ready to have a baby surprisingly has many similarities to getting ready for a fitness competition... You have to stay fit, eat the right things, do special exercises to help with birth, you get weighed every two weeks by your doctor (not for the same reason you weigh yourself when leaning out for a fitness comp, but still), you have the calendar countdown (3 weeks and 4 days till the big day and counting!), you're obsessed with reading everything to do with babies, birth,� and pregnancy online and in books just as you would be for fitness comps, and of course you join a few forums on the topic, you drive your family and friends nuts obsessing over both, and of course,� your body changes dramatically for both (in different ways!)

I've been keeping up with my workouts throughout the pregnancy, but of course I've lowered the weights, upped the reps, and I don't run for cardio anymore.� Usually I do some sort of elliptical or walking workout for cardio which feels totally lame to me cause I LOVE to run, but it's OK for now I guess!� I also have continued teaching almost all my dance classes at the studio which I think is keeping me fit and sane!�

I have so many goals for once the baby has come and I can start working on my body again.� I can't wait to be hardcore again! I actually hope to compete in a fitness competition in June 2009!� I'll keep you posted!

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meagan's Profile

  • Username: meagan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: Canada
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    MEAGAN's Interests:

    Interests: fitness, working out, bellydance, Latin & Brazilian dance

    Favorite Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Kanye West, MIA, and of course Arabic and Latin music!

    Favorite Movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, pretty much any dance movie! Oh, and Pumping Iron.

    Favorite Television: Young & The Restless, South Park. So You Think You Can Dance.

    Favorite Books: I have so many faves, currently I'm reading Joshi's Holistic Life Plan and it's right up my alley!

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