meagan's Journal

Oct 2006
2:39 AM EST

Wow, it has been a busy start to my week! I'm working SO much, but I feel hyper and happy to work lately so that's good. I had a lot of computer work Monday and Tuesday and I just sat there for 9 hours every day after my morning workout, then I went straight to the studio to teach my classes at night. It really helps me to not stray from my healthy-eating diet cause I feel I can't think of anything except WORK WORK WORK! So, I have eaten really well this week so far and I'm actually starting to see a little bit of improvement in how my body is looking (which seemed to take forever this time after cleaning up my diet and working out for a few weeks). Yesterday I mixed up my workout by taking a step class at Goodlife - that was a really great idea and I think I'll take a few classes a week - might as well since I belong to a real gym now! It really is a lot more inspiring than doing the stairclimber or the treadmill by myself - I had forgotten how good a sweat you get from exercise classes! I'm usually a total spazz in step class (and to think - I used to teach it!) but I wasn't as bad as I thought I'd be yesterday! This morning I went for a run outdoors and later I'll be teaching two cardio types of classes at the studio so that will be it for me in terms of working out. As well as getting tons of work for my studio done, I've been having a really creative time lately - I've come up with two whole shows I want to put on in 2007 - one a Latin one for my group (which has been a long time coming) and another brand new idea for a solo bellydance show (more details coming soon!) I've decided that if I can make it through each week being really healthy I will reward myself at the end of the week with something I want... this week, if I can stay pretty clean all week, I will finally go and get my hair fixed once and for all (colour-wise). If you know me at all - you know what I'm talking about probably! Anyways, must get to the studio now for a 10:30am class. Bye for now!
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meagan's Profile

  • Username: meagan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: Canada
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    MEAGAN's Interests:

    Interests: fitness, working out, bellydance, Latin & Brazilian dance

    Favorite Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Kanye West, MIA, and of course Arabic and Latin music!

    Favorite Movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, pretty much any dance movie! Oh, and Pumping Iron.

    Favorite Television: Young & The Restless, South Park. So You Think You Can Dance.

    Favorite Books: I have so many faves, currently I'm reading Joshi's Holistic Life Plan and it's right up my alley!

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