meagan's Journal

Sep 2006
12:54 AM EST

I'm proud of myself for my eating! Not that it was that hardcore and great in general, but for me personally it was superb! I usually have a really rough time on weekends staying good, but I did fine this weekewnd - I actually didn't eat enough! Friday I had my studio's 3-year anniversary party and so I gave myself that day off from being too strict and had a few glasses of wine and some pita with dip. It was a really fun party and I got to see some friends I don't get to see too often. The next morning was too early - got into the studio by about 7am to clean up from the night before and then had 3 regular classes, a Shake it Like Shakira workshop, and a class for a bachelorette party all at my studio, by the end of all of that I was wiped! I went to my moms for a bit and fuelled up on lean ground beef with veggies, tomatoe sauce, and ricotta (my new fave clean meal). I basically hadn't eaten throughout the day. I had a whole cooler full of good intentions (I brought cottage cheese, tuna, and fruit with me), but had no time to eat as each class seemed to run into the next. Yesterday was a very busy day too with two classes and a two-hour workshop - again, didn't eat all day, but usually after a day like that I tend to get home and totally binge on garbage. Not last night! It's Ramadan now, so Wala'a was breaking the fast with his family so I got our groceries done, cooked, and cleaned, and didn't even feel like eating all that much last night (had some bit of hummus with veggies, and later some yogurt with honey) Not bad. Only sucky part is that I feel all fat and bloated today even after being so healthy... hopefully that will pass soon because I find it very challeging to eat right all week and still see no difference. I just got back from a run, and soon I'll be meeting my mom to do a weight workout at Goodlife.
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meagan's Profile

  • Username: meagan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: Canada
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    MEAGAN's Interests:

    Interests: fitness, working out, bellydance, Latin & Brazilian dance

    Favorite Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Kanye West, MIA, and of course Arabic and Latin music!

    Favorite Movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, pretty much any dance movie! Oh, and Pumping Iron.

    Favorite Television: Young & The Restless, South Park. So You Think You Can Dance.

    Favorite Books: I have so many faves, currently I'm reading Joshi's Holistic Life Plan and it's right up my alley!

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