meagan's Journal

Sep 2006
6:04 PM EST

Today my dad came in to Toronto to visit me... I haven't seen him since the start of the summer and I almost didn't recognize him when I saw him... he's lost SO much weight... he had told me he lost like 50 pounds or something like that in the past little while, but I wasn't prepared to see that big a difference it made on him... I've never in my whole life seen him look so healthy and slim! His tummy is totally gone! It was a very fun visit - we walked and talked A LOT and ate some terrific food! But, it was really inspirational hearing about how great he feels after losing all this weight and living a much more healthy life than before! It totally inspires me to clean up my act a bit more now! Also, the new issue of Oxygen is out today so that's always a boost too! I'm eager to get down to the gyme early tomorrow morning and start whipping this bod back into shape!
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meagan's Profile

  • Username: meagan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 46
  • Location: Canada
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    MEAGAN's Interests:

    Interests: fitness, working out, bellydance, Latin & Brazilian dance

    Favorite Music: Red Hot Chili Peppers, Black Eyed Peas, Gwen Stefani, 50 Cent, Kanye West, MIA, and of course Arabic and Latin music!

    Favorite Movies: Grease, Saturday Night Fever, Dirty Dancing, pretty much any dance movie! Oh, and Pumping Iron.

    Favorite Television: Young & The Restless, South Park. So You Think You Can Dance.

    Favorite Books: I have so many faves, currently I'm reading Joshi's Holistic Life Plan and it's right up my alley!

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