mccreight29's Journal

Jan 2010
11:59 PM EDT

20�again I cant do this often but here is the latest.. We had a VBIED go off while I was asleep. I wasnt sure at first what happened but grabbed me gear and went to work. We had patients arriving in minutes and there was alot of blood. I was surprised that I was not affected. I was even moresurprised at the people who did lose their minds. for hours we stayed on our feet.. holding pressure.. doing sutures.. bandaging wounds and whatever else was needed. When we released my patients who were locals they wanted pictures with me. thanked me for being so caring.� .. gotto go.. patient came in

3 comment(s) - 08:16 PM - 02/07/2010
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mccreight29's Profile

  • Username: mccreight29
  • Gender / Age: Female, 53
  • Location: USA - Georgia
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    MCCREIGHT29's Interests:

    About Me: I am a mother of three with what seems like a lifetime behind me and a life time to go. I have made some very major changes in my life and it seems like most of them are for the better for a change. First and foremost I am in love with a man who gives me quiet strength. He is my rock. He lets me be who I am and comforts me when I need it. I am starting a new career path at 34 and although its scarry I have support for the first time. That feeling is so overwhelming to me because I have never had it. I feel peace when I am home.

    Interests: Everything interests me. I am a very inquisitive person.

    Favorite Music: Again, I love everything. I am very open to new music as well as the classics

    Favorite Movies: anything by PIXAR. I love my cartoons.

    Favorite Television: COPS, CSI, The unit, Survivor, deal or no deal, merkat manor.

    Favorite Books: Dean Koontz, and Grosse Pointe Pimp.

    MCCREIGHT29's Friends: