jesssie's Journal

Feb 2008
7:12 PM MEZ

So here it goess..

1. School - This week is a busy week. I have a fashion project due wednesday, science labs due Friday, and in terms of time I have to myself after school, it's very limited. Tuesday I have to go over to Brenda's to work on our fashion project, mind you it's obviously done the night before (haha). Wednesday i'm going to Mel's. And today i was supposed to go to Kendra's but I don't know if it is gonna happen tonight now? She hasn't called me! I hope I go though. We want to make cake (chocolate with buttercream And anyways I think friday might be my only relaxing day (considering I will be working my ass off Thursday to finish that science homework!!)

2. Friends - It's a busy week for friends! Today, tomorrow, wednesday and this weekend I will be seeing a lot of them. Today- Kendras. Tomorrow- Brendas. Wednesday- Mels. This weekend me and Shea are having a sleepover..we might hang out with some other people too but I dont know yet. Also, i might go with my dad if he ends up going to check out Laurens house! i miss lauren already. Im excited cause Lauren is bringing me back something from Florida! & she promised we would hang out more than once before she leaves (yayy!!) We are basically twins. I also started talking to Alex a little bit again, and Jakob. Alex is acting as if we have always been friends, but I can't forget all the things he has done to be in the past, including the most recent -- spazzing out on me for something so ridiculously stupid & then not talking to me for 2+ months. Although, I am happy to be talking to him again, he was one of my best friends for alot of months. And i didn't realize how much I miss Jakob too, I can't wait to hang out with him soon. It seems like Tiah is acting wierd lately though, i dont know if its just because shes sick or if shes hiding something from me, or shes angry with me! I dont know but its really frustrating because she doesnt seem very happy with me. Shes not mad or anything i hope, she just seems sad and tired of being so sick. I hope she gets better soon.. :(

3. Boys - What can I say really, NOTHING ever happens with boys, seriously. It's boring, even if i think i like's kind of like, whatever? And i know it annoys the hell out of my friends! I am kind of developing a crush on someone but I wont say who. I can't though because my friend likes him and it wouldn't be fair at all. Oh and as for Tim, like honestly he is such a fucking jerk! He lead me on & then admitted to not liking me over a text ! Can you say immature and rude?? Ugh!

4.Family - My stepsister really annoys me sometimes. She bought the same sweater as me and she is just so friggin annoying. Honestly! My dad wants to buy Laurens house which I already said, which would be SO sick! Me and my mom are really close again because neither one of us are on our periods (thank God..we're huuuge bitches). My stepmom is taking me to the doctors on March 5th to get birth control and HPV needles.. great!

Well that's about it I guess.
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  • Username: jesssie
  • Gender / Age: Female, 32
  • Location: Canada
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