darkgal23's Journal

Apr 2008
7:31 AM EDT

Exam is coming==

exam is coming, for the following week we ned to bug up already!

there are still many works for me to do==homework and also notes~

but there are also many things happen for this few days==

yew fail in the singing competition......feel very sorry for him.......

and yet the teacher days audition is coming......

and the mid-term exam is coming......

shiong is also very busy........feel very sorry ........coz i can do nth to help him.......

he is a very pour thing.......

he�being as�a leader so that need to have meeting every day during recess and yet being hungry but eat nth.......

and�since exam is coming.......

he is�being stressful with all the things he need to do.......feel sorry to him.....

busy busy busy thats wat he got==

everyday reach school study then recess time go meeting and then study again....after school go society or tuition.........everyday also reach home after 9 or 10 o clock......then bath and sleep........and next morning wake up at the early 5 and go school study meeting and others keep repeating..........

this is wat he do for everyday.......

for me.......i still got time to ress and even play.......but he have no choice.......


if ony i could help him on........

and since exam is coming, he need to have more time�to study and do revision.....but no! he have no time.......

hope that i could help him.........at least i can teach him about the studies........so i also need to bug up already........

if not, i might coz his result getting worse becoz of my careless mistake on teaching like last time...........

so lo==

i really cares u de leh~

so u must let me know wat r u thinking wor~and let me know when u really need help~^^

and i will always be there for u~^^

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  • Username: darkgal23
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Malaysia
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