berries7cinnamon's Journal

Aug 2007
8:45 PM EDT

I went out with Michelle yesterday.

We haven't really talked with each other for a long time with each of us busy with different things; she with her Uni orientation and me with my work.
I always laugh A LOT whenever I'm out with her, today's no exception as well.

She accompanied me for my haircut; to my favourite salon.
My hairstylist - Jeft was really shocked to see me that soon again. He was on the line and processing payment when he saw me. The look on his face is funny. Haha...
Mich and I haven't decided where to go for dinner yet, so I asked Jeft what's good to eat around the vicinity. He listed most of them out for me. After that he made fun of me and I retorted back. This is nothing new, but he's nice. xD
I know this may sound like I have a cruch on Jeft, but I don't think so. It's true that I like him and I like that place, but I just tend to share it with people about what I like with all smiles on my face.

The haircut's good. It's short, and it's not those kind of boyish short. It's short but you still can tell that I'm a GIRL. xD

During dinner, I asked Mich if she's missed me. She looked at me funny and said, "No."
I stared at her with disbelief and I started whining and kept repeating that how could she when I missed her so much. Haha... I kinda irritated her and it's funny.
Going out with her is always full of laughter.

After dinner, we went to Esplande to have a walk with a cup of coffee in our hands.
Haha... That's something I've been wanting to do, and I'm so glad that... it happened. :) Though not in a romantic way, but it's still fun.

I gotta learn Romance isn't the center of my life.
I laughed so much. I feel like a kid again.
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berries7cinnamon's Profile

  • Username: berries7cinnamon
  • Gender / Age: Female, 37
  • Location: Singapore