Just another sad story...

Jul 2009
8:35 PM EDT

Theorys... PSST tonnight was AWSOME!!! hahaha

Ok I have a question or more like a theory of some sorts:

If someone REALLY wants to be your friend again would'nt they just pick up a phone and call you? OR better say your sry and tell it to your face? and not have a relative or someting do it for you???

If someone really wants to be your friend again would'nt they have been smart enought to hear the whole side of a "fight?" ? To hear what was really going on???

If someone really wanted to be your friend would'nt they have....

Theres alot of would've and could've thingy's out there. But my point is why do other people have to apologize for someone else when they are just as capable of doing it them selves???�

Anyways tonight was AMAZING!! hahaha My horse Sonny ran really good we took 1st in poles, 1st in barrels and 1st in down and back. With only one DQ which is really good. Other than that I know some of you are out there thinking... Hey where is her poem?? Well Im working on one right know so yeah hopefully its not to bad...

Well Im TIRED so Im going to go and catch some zzz's before for I crash and hit the key board. Now that would leave a mark. hahaha ttyl

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  • Username: Sportygirl15
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Michigan
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    Interests: Equestrian team Hunting Barrel Racing Poetry Running(for fun) Chatting Does shopping count? lol

    Favorite Music: Anything that does not involve opera, oldies, jazz, or anything along those lines, but my fav song is: Dont Speak Liar by We The Kings

    Favorite Movies: The Titannic

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Knight Rider, Gossip Girl, did I miss anything?

    Favorite Books: Same difference, Would You, The book of Luke, and more