Ranilyn's Journal

Mar 2009
12:05 PM MDT

Homework, homework and....more homework! argh!

Darn, I just wrote a perfectly long and wonderful entry and it....disappeared and didn't save!! Just great...on one of the odd days I manage to convince myself to write in the journal...it doesn't save. GAAAAAHHHH

I guess I'll have to retype...just without all the extra colors and stuff....Here we go:

Dear Journal,There's just been so much homework lately! Like seriously, I'm not talking about everyday worksheets and booklets! That I can handle. What bugs me is we get these huge projects and tests that come around the same time! You finish one project and you get another....wow.�
L.A presentation
L.A poetry project
Science Test
Math Chapter Test
Social presentation
Chinese skit/play thingy
Garrr...one after another!!! I've finished to L.A stuff, Science and Math is over...so now I just have Social presentation and the skit. But really....2 weeks ago its was so peaceful! It was merely the calm before the storm!! How weird to use it to describe the way my teachers give out homework.�
Well...at least I'm looking forward to the chinese play! Even if its kinda�a little tedious and going to be long....Especially with Emily and I doing almost all the work in our 5 people group...
However, that means that WE get to decide what play we're doing, WE choose what scenes we're gonna do, WE get to decide what they're gonna act....OOOHH, lemme tell you, this is going to be good!
I claimed director + 1/2 script writer! But in order to get this amazing position, it means I'll be the main translator for the play....
Still....poor Johnny, poor AJ, poor Aileen and Emily (even if she's helping cuz this is for the good of the play)....okay, okay, poor people who are in my group - except for me, that is! That's cuz I'm narrator. MUA HAHAHAH!!
So Emily's gonna fall in love with Jonathan...and vice versa (hehehe She already has a crush on him, so I'm sure we can squeeze in some awkward moments!)�
AJ's the emperor AND the herbalist whose married to Aileen. They will be parents of Emily.�
But don't worry, nothing will go further than a hug or two, so hand holding, awkward script....and sappy moments.�
But lemme tell you, its gonna be awesome!!! Everyone will have fun, and I guarantee you, we're all going to get a FANTASTIC mark on this. I hope ours will be the best, I think the top 2 plays will be Ours and Vivian's group. They have good people in their group and all, but they're going to act it out in Cantonese and sub title it in chinese. When I heard about this, alarm bells went off in my head....but they seemed convince that it'll be okay...so I'll leave it to them
I'm gonna fone Janette now!!�
Lots of luv �Joyce!
ps. I've written some other entries on paper...will type them up when I have time!
1 comment(s) - 09:26 PM - 11/06/2009
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  • Username: Ranilyn
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: Canada
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