The Trials and Tribulations of... Life.

Jun 2012
1:39 AM

Date #2 w/Shawn

After more than agreeing to a 2nd date with Shawn, we will be seeing each other tomorrow evening, however our date isn't until Tuesday. It just so happens that I have a meeting in Phoenix tomorrow at 3pm and it made sense to stay with him the evening instead of driving the 2 hours back only to turn around and drive 2 hours back... Our plans for tomorrow evening include absolutely nothing with the exception of jumping in the pool and whoever gets to the house first gets to make dinner. So pretty much just an evening of relaxing and spending more time getting to know each other.... Oh and on a "well what do you know about that?" note, Colin, the AZ Drummer, it turns out that his house is less than a mile from Shawns! Talk about a small world. Just for the hell of it yesterday, I google mapped both locations, talk about the surprise I had....
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4d9rfan4life's Profile

  • Username: 4d9rfan4life
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    4D9RFAN4LIFE's Interests:

    About Me: After finding the courage to leave a relationship that included domestic violence, I am learning to start my life over.

    Interests: Dancing, Billiards, Drawing, Computers

    Favorite Music: Rock, Oldies, R&B, Country

    Favorite Movies: Transformers, Star Wars, Robin Hood

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Boston Legal, House