The Trials and Tribulations of... Life.

Jun 2012
3:10 AM PST

Taking Heed

After being informed by Colin that he was robbed at gun point in which they took many personal items, including his wallet, the communication between us ended abruptly, literally.

Typically I would at least receive a response to a text message, but for 3 days, nothing, not a single word.� So now I am truly scared that something happened, the thoughts of them, the robbers getting his address off his ID and then heading to his house to rob him of more stuff just kept playing in my head over and over again.

So today I had the police do a welfare check on him and his daughters, just for my own peace of mind.� They did, unfortunately in the process his daughter was frightened by the knocking on the door.� But she was safe and he was at work.

Instead of receiving a sorry that I put you through all the fear, sorry for not calling or texting you back, all I received was blame and the famous, I need space.

Basically I got the impression that because it has been 7 years since we last saw each other that I had no right to care for him so much, that my concern was out of place.

Well, if I had to do it again, I probably would if the same scenario were being played out and that's a problem for me.� I could never disregard his safety, I could never disregard my feelings for him, I could never learn to put a condition on just how much I care for someone, him.

So it appears that this relationship ended before it had a chance to begin.� But I do wish him the best.
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  • Username: 4d9rfan4life
  • Gender / Age: Female, 58
  • Location: USA - Arizona
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    4D9RFAN4LIFE's Interests:

    About Me: After finding the courage to leave a relationship that included domestic violence, I am learning to start my life over.

    Interests: Dancing, Billiards, Drawing, Computers

    Favorite Music: Rock, Oldies, R&B, Country

    Favorite Movies: Transformers, Star Wars, Robin Hood

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, Boston Legal, House