wateringthedaisies's Journal

Jan 2008
5:28 PM CST

do you know you're unlike any other, you'll always be my thunder

So, I started out 2008 with a bang... I was reading Wicked, and didn't even notice it was midnight. No wild parties, no drunken songs were sung. Though alcohol could have made it a better night, no I spent that night working, and then going home to snuggle in my bed and read. Exciting? I know, I live a wild life. I told myself I'd start keeping a journal for 2008... well 3 days later, here I am starting one. Just a few days off. I'm never one to start things when they should be.

That song (the one in the title) has been on repeat for me, all day. It reminds me of last year. And the year before. When all I could think about was... him. No, I wasn't in love, try infatuation. He led me on a rollercoaster ride of emotions, that ended with me saying to hell with it, I can't handle it anymore. Now he's moved on, to a 15 year old. Yeah, that boost my confidence a whole lot, one upped by a kid who can't even do Algebra without help. He wants to eat lunch with me, tomorrow. Just when I was getting completely over him. He does this. But, I'll handle it. I can. I just have to.

I guess I could tell the internet world about myself? But where would be the fun in that? Where would the mystery be in there? I guess you can just read on, that is if anyone reads this, and decipher who I amby what I say.

I'm out, Flowers For Algernon is calling my name...

-the girl in second place

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wateringthedaisies's Profile

  • Username: wateringthedaisies
  • Gender / Age: Female, 35
  • Location: USA - Alabama
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    About Me: I'm just a normal teen age girl. Whatever the hell normal is. I spend as much time with my friends as I can, and as less time at my house as possible. I'm a senior, and will graduate salutatorian of my class and continue my education at Auburn University in the fall. I've never been in love, so I don't know the happiness of that feeling. I'm known as the loud outspoken one. I just want to something more, to be more than second best, ya know?

    Favorite Music: Boys Like Girls. Paramore. George Strait. Johnny Cash. The Beatles. Fall Out Boy. The Early November. Rascal Flatts.

    Favorite Movies: Titanic. POTC series. LotR. Harry Potter. Signs. The Sixth Sense. The Hills Have Eyes. Halloween.

    Favorite Books: 13 Reasons Why. Go Ask Alice. This Lullaby. The Phantom Tollbooth. Wicked. Keeping the Moon. The Hobbit. Harry Potter.