A day in the life.

Mar 2008
7:59 PM EDT


Today I listened to some metallica and Korn, damn i forgot how much I like those groups.. I am angry i'm not exactly sure why... I guess i kinda do.. but then again.

I want control of my life and i feel as though i have none.. nothing everything I have ever worked for and earned has been taken in an instance by an asshole who never gave a fuck about me.. lost everything.. my youth.. my future and the material things too.

Trying to regaing my composure is not the easiest thing to do ... i'm fallin away from me and i have no idea what to do..

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  • Username: thatsmxchic
  • Gender / Age: Female, 45
  • Location: USA - South Carolina
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    THATSMXCHIC's Interests:

    About Me: I am a caribbean female who loves life and lives for her little girl I am engaged to the craziest person on earth next to me so that makes us perfect for each other.. we are free spirits making our way in the world.

    Interests: being the best mom and wife I can be.

    Favorite Music: Everthing under the sun