shadowlove's Journal

Sep 2007
7:57 PM EDT

Akash and I were late to String Ensemble today. I feel so bad. We stayed at Lit Mag too long. And when we got there the doors were locked to they had to stop playing to let us in. I love beinga part of S.E. so much. I'm kinda worried about Akash though. After we got to S.E. he took off his sweatshirt cause it was like 200 degrees in that room with the humidity. But, after a few minutes he put it back on and was zipping it up, like he was freezing and looked exhausted. I asked him if he was okay, afterwards, and he said he was fine. I don't like when people are sick. When they're miserable I feel bad.

Jeeze, I slept for 4 HOURS when I got home from school today. That's crazy. I think it's my actualy trying in gym. I'll actualy run. It's probably because it's 9th period and I don't have to worry about going somewhere else afterward. We had to run a half mile in under 5 minutes today and I did it in like 6 and a half minutes. That's the same time Sam got. And she's asthmatic. I was actualy trying too. Whatever, I was never good at running ever when I played soccer.

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shadowlove's Profile

  • Username: shadowlove
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - New York