sahuoy's Journal

Aug 2012
4:34 PM CST

After helping Terry with his new laptop pc for a couple hours at Pekara, another resident of Times Center in level two, shortly after a black homeless nice guy saw and stopped to speak with me wanting to sell some things he picked up from the VA in Danville after a visit this morning. I bought two jackets, one a light coat, the other more of a heavy duty windbreaker with the Army gold lettering and a pair of gloves for $22.00 dollars. A great buy especially considering my financial circumstances.

Sold remaining stock in my Roth IRA on thursday. BAC, Bank of America was worth $42.00 dollars per share when I purchased but was then hit with the economic meltdown, housing rip off, what was $12,000 dollars was sold for just over $1900. If I'd left it alone I'd be sitting much better though wishing I'd bought a rising stock always lingers long after the meltdown. I hope my future investments pay off far well above and beyond my losses to help bridge the gap from what I've lost.

Must do more research and make better choices. Still undecided if I really want to throw caution to the wind and simply focus on college right now at age 48 or try to hop scotch more quickly ahead getting back into the workforce and building retirement now or soon. I don't have forever. I don't want to sit around broke, ie. Government disability checks and I don't want to work forever but rather scale down to part time after the current retirement age of 67 but right now there is also a law that allows seniors to work full time and not pay many taxes to beef up their retirements going forward. Would be really great to be able to incorporate that ability into my current regime. So many choices, not many second chances, little time. Feeling a little pressure.�
1 comment(s) - 09:29 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
7:36 PM CST

Have registered at Parkland college for this fall semester thanks to a Pell grant or $2750 per semester. For three years, 3 YEARS, I've been doped up with heart meds taking away my ability to function purposefully. Not able to think more than one or two steps ahead, constant fog, wondering how I would build a future in this condition. I've realized the greater effect now combing through the web with school, information, etc. and the lack of my abiity to focus, comprehend and build. Its been two weeks since the doctor reduced my meds though I'd run out of a few before that time and though have noticed modest gains in overall well being the fog persists but not as intense. Still smoking, I think I must start exercising, running to pump up my oxygen intake, improve circulation, etc. to improve my condition. I will not succeed with school or work in the current state.

Webbing at Pekara, they close at eight, the patio is filling with bar patrons from either end or entrance of the patio. A nice atmosphere, atleast I can focus better than at the Times Center. Going to watch some of the remaining Olympics, plan tomorrow starting with taking some items to the storage unit and bringing some back. Must speak with Reynolds towing monday and see if I can work some sort of compromise to have my car returned, repairing fuel flow not included. Fingers crossed, church tomorrow, lots of prayer, faith, hope and love. So many things happening which are fun but only a handful are beneficial, priortizing, trying to focus, focus, focus.
1 comment(s) - 09:30 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
5:35 PM CST

Pekara looking north in downtown champaign.

1 comment(s) - 09:42 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
5:28 PM CST

I really like drinking tea, working the laptop, sitting in the patio at Pekara. This location is quiet and gives a new ombionce to the outdoor life of Champaign. A great place to stop with family or friends. Lovin it. Getting you a picture now.
1 comment(s) - 09:42 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
5:28 PM CST

I really like drinking tea, working the laptop, sitting in the patio at Pekara. This location is quiet and gives a new ombionce to the outdoor life of Champaign. A great place to stop with family or friends. Lovin it. Getting you a picture now.
1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
5:09 PM CST

I really like drinking tea, working the laptop, sitting in the patio at Pekara. This location is quiet and gives a new ombionce to the outdoor life of Champaign. A great place to stop with family or friends. Lovin it. Getting you a picture now.
1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
4:40 PM CST

My love of free will following my curiosity of the life and the world. Other than finding people whom I occasionally have struck common ground for a small period it is indeed rare for any one to continue on for any length of time. After they learn I've no interest in giving them a free ride to benefit them in anyway they strike attitude in harmony reality check and move on. I've only real interest in those like minded desirous of peace, harmony, adventurous, stressless existence. I don't worry about who, what, when, where or things and am for once happy with this much slower pace and lack of tangible things. I am happier and more at peace than now .
1 comment(s) - 09:43 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
7:55 PM CST

Pekara lights on sun setting looking north downtown Champaign

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Aug 2012
5:39 PM CST

Caution - When taking any prescriptions stay aware of the changes occurring both positive and negative. Equally important is the doctors willingness to treat as changes occur or fail to treat and simply moo you along. Three and a half years ago I had a five way bypass. Over that time I've acquired several prescriptions amongst four doctors resulting in my taking as many as twelve drugs daily and warping into a genuine zombie. Unable to think of more than one thing at any time, clearly, always mentally foggy, failing to see or plan ahead beyond two things, always worried and wondering how I was ever going to function like this and shocked when considering the rest of my life in this new and improved western medicine manner, not that I know of any better alternatives but when the drugs one is taking produce side effects just as crippling as the problems the drugs are treating the outlook is at best cloudy skies and knowing that just above their grays the sun shines with all the mastery of any life giving element of the universe as one watches in awe inspired discovery and knowing as being one with the universe. Not until the fifth doctor did any one of these doctors really examine, (Listen), and treat me but again rather mooing me along.

*Side note - Male doctors appear to be extremely busy having many patients, little time and hangling a large volume of work. In contrast female doctors appear to be much less busy and when pressed to handle more quickly fall behind with keeping up. I did once think the females were being more thorough but this is not true at all. It clearly appears they cannot handle the volume, do not want to handle the volume. So much for equal pay for equal work. If the work pays well enough to cause one not to want to handle more patients then there is no incentive to do so and therefore I believe on the surface females doctors receive equal pay as high as males and that even with fewer patients the pay is so good the passion to treat people or the hypocratic oath is thrown aside for sake of having found a comfort zone.

After explaining my zombieness, always tired, always sleeping, always disinterested, etc. did the fifth doctor wipe the slate clean by stopping all meds, renewing only two and adding a third. That represents a quality doctoral experience 20% of the time or I would otherwise be in the 80% treading water awaiting to swap a life preserving life boat for this floating debris I hold onto after this life shattering explosive wreckage that sent me drifting three and a half years ago.

Now for the first time I feel most like the person I was prior to having surgery and now feeling pretty good with some footage under me but not having full legs to walk, I practice virtues, patience, cleansing my body and spirit of the pollutant prescription cocktail that renders me prime zombifried horror movie material.

So I guess the lesson to be learned is stick to your guns, repeat, ALWAYS STICK TO YOUR GUNS, with your health. Unfortunately the increase in health care cost has not and most likely will not translate into better quality treatment from health care professionals though it is dual fold in that some kind of treatment is better than none, perhaps, not knowing percentages of the propaganda versus truth in medicine, wanting to influence and thus control the world of global growth can only be answered by those who are indeed finding improvement and measureable quality in more than just livelihood, spirit, prosperity of family, health or wealth, etc.

Yet that can only be answered by each patient individually when defining their quality of lifeeveryone. Doctors are not created equal which is why you should always utilize your right to change doctors, acquire another opinion until your concerns have been addressed and treated to your satisfaction. Wishing you the very best of health. Its not what you pay for it is if you are willing to seek out until you are satisfied with your quality of life.

In other words the only things which appear to have changed are the pay scale doctors and staff receive although with Obamacare, people have access across the board, which is a toe into the door of quality care, again, all doctors are far from equal and have little or no passion to treat as many patients are needing healthcare but rather designing an environment which presents any given doctor in the best possible lime light concerning their future careers while forsaking many patients ala a dotor and nurse shortage and lawsuits continue though they were once a winning lottery ticket awarded by juries. Doh, talk about shafting yourself as taxpayers or consumers have to absorb increased cost to pay for the awards, politicians have implemented new laws limiting awards. And global health evolves and molds by mans hand in his other brothers and sisters pocket of gold, stealing from Peter and Pauline to pay Paul...

1 comment(s) - 09:44 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
4:13 AM CST

Mother Nature smiling and laughing.

2 comment(s) - 09:45 PM - 09/26/2012
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Aug 2012
2:38 PM CST


Only when one opens ones self to all of the world including nature only then can one truly experience the world in all her splendid glory and see the overwhelming magnificence of Gods' creation.

Religion is mans interpretation of how to live with God as your creator in this man made world versus nature, evolution and any man, woman child practicing free will and being the master of their domain. This is the deception between being consciously aware of the spirituality or only consciously aware of the tangible realm of being human. To be spiritualy alive is accepting God as ones Father and having a relationship with one power, creator, in the spiritual realm.

Keeping this faith, hope and love based upon an intimate personal knowing of God. Much like heart disease or mental illness, most persons do not and cannot comprehend without one of their five senses, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching having experienced something spiritual and this is where our falability as humans interferes with one walking in spirituality with God. To experience with the senses is the curse of Eve and Satan for having eaten the forbidded fruit. It distracts one from focusing on the spiritual senses and walking with God.

For those whom only use the five senses as the truest and only form of communication withthe world forsake their spiritual senses of God have been duped by Satan. Eve and Adam. Amazing how people believe in unseen things of magic, nature, ouija boards, luck and spirits yet still persist in not believing in the purest of spirits, God our Father and Jesus our Savior. Like mother Gump said, stupid is as stupid does but these are the choices people make given their experiences, their friends and fears.

I have been blessed by having been raised catholic. I have experiences with prayer, miracles, God, faith, hope and love. I truly wish all could be given the ability to become spiritualy aware of God but this is not in Satans' plan. Without any tangible evidence as most humans crave one is left to walk in faith, hope and love by the spirit of themselves. It can be difficult to forsake the five senses and trust in faith, hope and love but I can tell you the longer one persist the more one becomes immersed in the spirit understanding and knowning God.
1 comment(s) - 09:45 PM - 09/26/2012
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Nov 2013
5:49 PM CST

Asking God for forgiveness.

Published on Nov.�23
, 2013

Why doesn't anyone question how God can say this:
Lev�20:13�"If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman,�
both of them have committed an abomination: they shall SURELY be put to death; their blood shall be upon them."
... and then not try to understand the 'why'?

"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." Hosea 4:6

Homosexuality has spiritual roots....
1.) Rejection of God as 'Creator' *see Romans 1: 18-28 (note it is a curse)
2.) A root of 'Rejection'

For those that feel they were 'born this way'... you were born with the curse passed onto you by the sins of your forefathers...
Numbers�14:18�'The Lord is slow to anger and abundant in lovingkindness, forgiving iniquity and transgression; but He will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and the fourth generations.'

God made you wonderful... it's satan and sin that's to blame...James�1:17�"Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow."

... knowing the 'WHY'... can set your feet on the path to freedom... YES.... say goodbye to homosexuality altogether!

'Deliverance' is a real ministry of Jesus that hasn't 'passed away'... the Word in fact includes it as a sign of how we will know true believers...Mark�16:17, "And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils..."

Repentance on behalf of the Ancestors + repentance regarding anything you've done in tandem + Deliverance = FREEDOM
Deliverance is a crucial last step... it will NOT successfully take place until the curse is broken first.
Shut the door of access and THEN kick out the invaders.�

Prayer of Repentance:
"Father, I know that I have broken your laws and my sins have separated me from you. I am truly sorry. I turn away from my past sinful life and cling to YOU. Please forgive me, and help me. I believe that your son, Jesus Christ died for my sins, was resurrected from the dead, is alive, and hears my prayer. I invite Jesus to become the Lord of my life, to rule and reign in my heart from this day forward. Please send your Holy Spirit to help me obey You, and to do Your will for the rest of my life. Thank You for forgiving me, and I also forgive MYSELF. I am ready for the wonderful destiny You have for me.....In Jesus' name I pray, Amen."

Prayer to Break Generational Sins and Curses -�
[Excerpted From: "Prayers That Heal the Heart" by Mark & Patti Virkler]
1. I confess and repent of the sin of my ancestors, my parents, and my own sin of ____________________________, and of my anger and resentment against You, God, for allowing this to happen in my life.
2. I forgive and release my ancestors for passing on to me this sin and for the resulting curses of ______________ (be specific). I ask You to forgive me, and I receive Your forgiveness. I forgive myself for participating in this sin.
3. I place the cross of Christ between my ancestors and myself, as a baby in my mother's womb. I command the sin of ___________ and all accompanying curses to be halted at the cross of Jesus Christ, and for freedom and release to flow down from the cross of Christ to that baby in the womb.

Prayer for Severing Ungodly Soul Ties,
from the book "Prayers That Heal the Heart" by Mark & Patti Virkler:
1. I confess and repent of my sin of an ungodly soul tie with _____________, and of my anger and resentment against You, God, for allowing this to happen in my life.
2. I forgive _____________ for their involvement in this sin. I ask You to forgive me, and I receive Your forgiveness. I forgive myself for participating in this sin.
3. Lord, sever the ungodly soul tie between me and __________ and restore the broken or torn portions of my soul. Lord, remove anything that has come into me through this soul tie and, Lord, bring back anything godly that has been stolen from me.

And lastly... check out the Spiritual Housecleaning Series (below) to axe any other points of access and to perform 'self deliverance' to remove spirits of homosexuality, etc.

Spiritual Housecleaning Series:

So You Say... Deep Ruts are Hard to Get Out of?

Generational Sins and Curses - Spiritual Housecleaning:�

Soul Ties - Spiritual Housecleaning:
FORUM (submit your prayer request and receive help...We are here for YOU!):

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Nov 2013
6:36 PM CST

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." - Mark Twain
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Nov 2013
6:37 PM CST

"It is a paradoxical but profoundly true and important principle of life that the most likely way to reach a goal is to be aiming not at that goal itself but at some more ambitious goal beyond it." - Arnold Toynbee
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Nov 2013
6:37 PM CST

"The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live in the present moment wisely and earnestly." - Buddha
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Nov 2013
6:38 PM CST

"Happiness is not in the mere possession of money; it lies in the joy of achievement, in the thrill of creative effort." - Franklin D. Roosevelt
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Nov 2013
6:38 PM CST

"If you want happiness for an hour - take a nap. If you want happiness for a day - go fishing. If you want happiness for a year - inherit a fortune. If you want happiness for a lifetime - help someone else." - Chinese Proverb
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Nov 2013
6:39 PM CST

"We think sometimes that poverty is only being hungry, naked and homeless. The poverty of being unwanted, unloved and uncared for is the greatest poverty. We must start in our own homes to remedy this kind of poverty." - Mother Teresa
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Nov 2013
6:41 PM CST

"The worst thing you can try to do is cling to something that is gone, or to recreate it." - Johnette Napolitano
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Nov 2013
6:44 PM CST

"It is the nature of man to rise to greatness if greatness is expected of him." - John Steinbeck. A self determining philosophy guided by ethics, morality and greater powers as prioritized by a less than a wanna be godly/god-like, mortal man.
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sahuoy's Profile

  • Username: sahuoy
  • Gender / Age: Male, 61
  • Location: USA - Illinois
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    SAHUOY's Interests:

    About Me: I like myself and am stubborn enough to go my own way.

    Interests: True stories, discovery, investigative and some fiction.

    Favorite Music: TV is mostly junk, reruns, misinformation, spin, politics, too much Hollywood: admit it now everything is not that good but they say it is to keep the show going. Tell this to Pavlov next time his bodyless dog salivates when the bell rings. When interested, Formula 1, Survivor, TDC, TLC, History, Military, Olympics, some news.

    Favorite Television: Louis LaMour is one of the greatest story writers. Pure adventure in the American West home range. If only other books could be written with the same passion, interests and flare for adventure. Dictionary, Art Of War, Sherlock Holmes, Lost Moon and many, many others.

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