"will i choose water over wine?"

Aug 2012
3:12 PM CST


im Stupid :).

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ButtTart2000's Profile

  • Username: ButtTart2000
  • Gender / Age: Female, 28
  • Location: USA - Rhode Island
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    BUTTTART2000's Interests:

    About Me: What i like to do: I like going out, Doing makeovers, Doing makeup, Doing my hair, i like going out to eat, travel, i like watching youtube videos, and Reading about serial killers, i like trying new things, skateboarding,mabye skiing. School: i'll be going to the met (peace st) In about 2 weeks for the ninth grade so excited :). Favorite colors: My favorite colors must be. Black,grey,dark red,teals,Dark shades of blue purple and that should be all. i like teal. and i like turquiose or however you spell it. People that i would like to meet I would like to meet bert Mcracken and his Folks from "the used" Jared leto, davey havok and his folks from "afi" anyone i had listened to from my childhood. the Members from Underouth. Green gay,good Charlotte, Bill kaulitz tom kaulitz gustuv, and that other kid. i would like to meet the character brian "rudy" from Dexter and micheal c hall himself, i would like to meet luka magnotta and micheal alig. and so so so much more that mean to me. cyr and stefan from youtube i would like to meet onision and shanedawson. Music Mabye 300 Different band members from back. It would take hours to write them down. Favorite place to be: the mall New york,times square, i like to be in new hampsure, Lots of places. Age: i'm 15 right now :). Are you a good person: theirs Of course many personality flaws i need to work on but In ways i think i am a good person i could be really honest i can understand peoples point of view and not just look at my own and say "no i'm right" i can understand why you would be right to. i don't judge i can be friends with any sized any race or any gendered person. i can be helpful and supportive, i'm a really good listener, i don't "whore around". Who’s Your Best Friend?: I don't think i have "a best friend". I'm my best friend. Haha. What’s Your Childhood Dream? I think i have always wanted to be a Dancer or a singer i loved singing i loved music to. i used to write poems haha. How Often Do You Laugh? I think i laugh Moderately I used to laugh alot. but now Noone is funny. :] What Makes You Smile? List at least 10 items 1.Funny people 2.nice people 3.Clumsy people Like i 4.People who get excited and mad at the same time. 5.When i have a weird accent when i talk fast. 6.When i "Bust my ass". 7.When there is nothing better to do at school. 8.When i watch old videos of my self. 9. people who say they love me. 10. Anyone who hugs me. Do You Think You’re Strong? In some ways. strong means to me That you cant endure any pain Emotional pain Obviously. Sometimes even if your weak it shows How strong you are. How long you have been holding it in. Sometimes when you tell people how you feel inside can make you a strong person. People who choose The right way out. People That Can handle Even the most annoying Requests. People that Have been struggling with something for years and is still working to the top. People who Deal with Mental issues And emotional problems. People Can be strong if they sometimes Know how to "let it go" Even if its hard. people who Take care of everyone. people who do things for alot of people. Its hard to explain. Do You Love Yourself? In some ways i actually do I accept the things i cannot change Even if they may bother me. I love my personality more than my looks. What Do You Fear The Most? Loosing, Loosing people i love the most. Seeing them die letting them see me die, Loosing something extremely important. Suffering to. I dont like seeing myself suffer animals other people being tortured its really hard to watch. What Is Your Favorite Word? I dont know actually mabye the Words I dont know Because i tend to say it alot. What Is The Best Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now? Wow this question made me happy. If My mom Jumped in the house And said We have Billions of billions of freaking $. And that we have to pack and move to (not canada :/ ) A Big Mansion in las Vegas and we have to be home schooled and that we have buy Thousands of clothes and anything we want. and i could chop the fat off my body. get a big make over. We live in luxury With a cheif and a butler. Thats A big Imagination. or if my mom just came in and told us we can go pig out on some egg rolls. mabye if she came in and told me i can chop the fat off my body and send me to some great professionals to make my hair long and do makeup and give me so much makeup and hair stuff and chop the fat off my body and make me beautiful. this question really made my day. What Is The Worst Thing That Could Happen To You Right Now? if the world was going to end and saw it on the news i would have to say goodbye to the people i love dearly. if The police came to my house and told me my mom was murdered if someone shot my family one by one watching them die. Oh my god. if i was diagnosed with cancer. Picture Yourself In 5 Years From Now. I would be Skinny i would have had some lasor hair removal My hair would be longer, i would have graduated and moving myself up. I would most likely still be depressed but this is what i see. What’s The First Thing You Do In The Morning? check the time haha. What Are You Thinking Just Before Going To Bed? I have no clue different things each day. What Was The Highest Point You’ve Ever Been To? a plane...Ahhha If There’s One Thing In Your Life You Want To Change Right Now, What Is It? I would change My Familys money problems and be rich. Or my weight. to be 120-130 lbs. perky boobs to. Sum Up Your Life In One Sentence If in the next 10 seconds your life will end, how would you describe it? Just one sentence for your entire life. Can you do that? You only have 10 seconds, so you can consider this a speed question. My life was interesting I will miss so much people in this next ten seconds what an ending. I HAD NO TIME TO THINK and i did not erase anything!. Name The Thing That Annoys You The Most Skinny girls that think they are fat. What Is Your No 1 Question To God? I dont necessarily belive or disbelive him but Okay. "Why do you let people Suffer? And who cares if adam Ate the apple thats no excuse".

    Interests: Funny people Smart people. Doing things right.

    Favorite Music: ....

    Favorite Movies: Superbad,ghost ship,amitty ville horror,the hills have eyes with that baby in the movie, The sitter movies of that sort.

    Favorite Television: Andy milonokis,bevis and butthead,what not to wear,spongebob,money from strangers. etc DEXTER sho(time) united states of tara.

    Favorite Books: Books about serial killers mental disorders animals sea life. facts.