melsteam's Journal

Jun 2008
9:54 AM CDT

Could I just slow-down- this rollar-coaster is going fast with us all. I've done everything I can. Now rest and relax. It will soon be better as I gain perspective. Don
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Jun 2008
7:12 AM CDT

School is good for the mind...
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Apr 2008
11:13 AM CDT

Live the good life; Shun the pain as not worthy of bringing you to despair. Walking in pain brings you to trust in The Maker.
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May 2007
7:02 AM CDT

Security is giving up appropriately and allowing other thigns to be more important than the thing to which your thoughts are attached.
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Jan 2007
4:47 AM CDT

I like the last quote by the "elevated and lofty" Wolfgang Mozart. The genius I see in me (I'm not bragging ) is definitely tied into love.
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Jan 2007
4:43 AM CDT

IT's the terrible pressure that success brings ....that is in fact more pressure causing than ill events. I now see why perhaps, those addicted to things (e.g. like medications, illegal drugs AND drug-pushers) from giving up their drugs and entering life with a newer start. IF they did so, with the right attitude, they would have a better life- a happier life, but they don't want to get better (i.e. from a certain point of view)
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Dec 2006
6:09 AM CDT

I did lots of things, well. I gradually learned to be focused and discipline my life. The pains of my life are overshadowed by the joys of love and memories of how changed I became through the love of God primarily- and secondarily, others .
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Dec 2006
4:25 AM CDT

I think it may be the fear of the unknown- tied up with past experiences which were traumatic. This explains it to me, though it is complex memories and bad choices which makes the traumas worse.
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melsteam's Profile

  • Username: melsteam
  • Gender / Age: Male, 50
  • Location: USA - Texas
    MELSTEAM's Interests:

    About Me: Just a creative and real person with talents and some weaknesses which I plod along with until the day of discovery on how to win at these issues. I like reading, walking, running, talking, and sometimes driving long-distances.

    Interests: I have been to Europe, to four different colleges and am now a salesman of herbs and natural proteins, vitamins, etc..

    Favorite Music: I like COntemporary Christian. Compared to Classical, it is a toss-up, however.

    Favorite Movies: THe Aviator, On GOlden Pond, and Rocky should be top must-see's in my opinion.

    Favorite Television: Evening Prime TIme , esp. the political talk shows on FOx News.

    Favorite Books: Love and Honor, by Randall Wallace