Apr 2012
10:01 AM CST

A Cool Thing

I have this account on a auditioning/management website. The thing is I never actually go to the auditions and try out. So if any of you would like to try out then tell me about it that would be great.
Commercial for Major Retailer
Location: Nationwide
Gender: Female
Age range: 15 to 25
Submission Deadline: 04/13/2012

Pay Rate: 7,500 per event.�����
Faces And Figures Of The Future
Location: Nationwide
Gender: Female
Age range: 16 to 21
Submission Deadline: 04/29/2012

Pay Rate: 1,000 per event.�����
International Print Shoot
Location: Nationwide
Gender: Female
Age range: 8 to 17
Submission Deadline: 04/13/2012

Pay Rate: 950 per day.�����
Edgy/Hip Clothing Line
Location: Nationwide
Gender: Female
Age range: 6 to 17
Submission Deadline: 04/24/2012

Pay Rate: 400 per day.�����
Promotional Ads For New Show
Location: Nationwide
Gender: Female
Age range: 6 to 19
Submission Deadline: 04/15/2012

Pay Rate: 400 per event.�����
Actress For Commercial Needed - Seattle
Location: Seattle, Wa
Gender: Female
Age range: 16 to 25
Submission Deadline: 05/01/2012
Tags: COOL huh?
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Current Tags: COOL huh?

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linnea14star's Profile

  • Username: linnea14star
  • Gender / Age: Female, 30
  • Location: USA - Washington
    LINNEA14STAR's Interests:

    About Me: I have 3 young sisters that I sometimes have problems with, but love alot. my own pup named Aumi.

    Interests: I like to play girlie games on the computer. I love to read chapter books, and write.I also like to swim and sell jewelry

    Favorite Music: Christian Classical

    Favorite Movies: sound of music chronicles of narnia

    Favorite Television: Poke'mon Dinosar King

    Favorite Books: Left Behind (kid Series) Talent

    LINNEA14STAR's Friends: