A Day In The Life of Me(the very happy maggot)

Jul 2008
12:42 AM CST

I Got An Idea?!

Well, journal, I got this brilliant idea last night since I couldn't go to sleep.I figured that I could use you to as a sleep diary too.Soo...I've been awake now for 22 hours,30 minutes,& 56 seconds.On top of being really tired,I broke up with my boyfriend chris 2 days ago.It's kinda sad,but it's his fault.Advice to everyone:Insomniacs and people with anger problems do not mix!!!�� Me and Chris always got along well until it came time to go to bed.You see the problem with me having insomnia is the fact that I like to�walk around the house cleaning and everything else to wear myself out so I can go to sleep and Chris would get aggravated with it.�Well, the other night he was really pissed off for some reason and he got more irritated than usual with my antics and he hit me,so I kicked him out.Okay...so I have now been awake for 23 hours,34 minutes,&28 seconds.Well I g2g ttyl.
Tags: boy, sleep
1 comment(s) - 09:29 PM - 12/12/2008
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  • Username: XxveryhappymaggotxX
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Louisiana
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    About Me: My name is Kim.I like hip-hop,rock,and metal.I love spontaneous people that will get sugar high with you at 5 in the morning or the ones who walk in the rain with you while it's lightning outside(lol). ' ' Get Myspace Layouts @ CodeMyLayout.com ''