SweetiePie120's Journal

Dec 2007
2:30 PM EDT


I HATE MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



CRAPPY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment(s) - 08:36 PM - 12/19/2007
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Dec 2007
12:06 PM EDT


Hi!!!! I am juss really bored, so I decided to type in ma journal!!! Today it is December 9, 2007 in Kansas City, Missouri!!It succs because my mom said I might not be going to school, and I have a newspaper meeting tomorrow!! I might e-mail the newspaper teacher, Mrs. Ronnebaum, and tell her that I am not going to make it. I am a photograper and writer for the newspaper. It is kinda, sorta fun!! I juss enjoy spending the time wit ma friends!!! :) I do really luv goin to Raytown Middle School. That skool is HUGE!!! LMFAO..... well I betta get bacc 2 doin my scrapbooking...LATER DUDES!!!!

signed, ReD RoBiN

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Dec 2007
9:56 AM EDT


check out my cool myspace page @ www.myspace.com/iknowsouljaboy

thnks!!!! and if u have a myspace...send me a request 2 be added!!!!

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Dec 2007
9:43 AM EDT


hi...i am bored.....making a scrap book..... i love this website...let's see....wat do i have on my mind??

oh....my "boyfriend"...aldolfo....he has an ex-girl named dianna...OMG!!!

why won't she x-cept that aldolfo doesn't like her anymore? LMFAO at her!!!! But why is he playing games wit ma emotions???? ANYONE HAVE ADVICE...HELP ME PLEASE!!!!

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Dec 2007
3:27 PM EDT

5 reasons why i like this website

  • 1-It helps you get things off of your chest.
  • 2-I get 2 meet new people
  • 3-It's like therapy...not saying I need it...
  • 4-It's like a...best friend u can tell anything 2
  • 5-.....IT'S JUSS WAYYYY COO!!!

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1 comment(s) - 02:02 PM - 12/09/2007
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Dec 2007
9:37 PM EDT


Well.... It's 11:34 pm here in Kansas City, Missouri on the day of Friday, December 7 SouthPark is about 2 cum on......so TTYL...!!! byeyas folks!!!

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Dec 2007
9:24 PM EDT


hi...I am new...but I did read some of eveyone else's jounal entry so I would like to tell a little bit about myself.

My name is Robin. I am currently living in KC, Missouri.

I attend Raytown Middle School ( GO BLUEJAYS!!) I have no siblings. I only have a mother because my father died while I was still in my mother's whom (IS THAT HOW YOU SPELL IT??) I have 2 pets, a hamster named Thema and a tabby kitten named Tiger. I live in an apartment complex with 2 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. I enjoy taling to friends on Myspace (www.myspace.com/iknowsouljaboy) I hate plp that wanna be fake and try ta act all coo..... and that's just me.... ANY QUESTIONS FEEL FREE TO MESSAGE ME WITH THEM!!!

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SweetiePie120's Profile

  • Username: SweetiePie120
  • Gender / Age: Female, 29
  • Location: USA - Missouri
    SWEETIEPIE120's Interests:

    About Me: I am a down 2 earth person, and enjoy having a good time...I HATE FAKE PEOPLE!! Check out my myspace.... www.myspace.com/iknowsouljaboy

    Interests: I have many interests but I don't feel the need to type them all down right now. There r juss 2 many of dem!!!

    Favorite Music: Soulja Boy, i15, J.Holiday, Alicia Keys, T.I., PussyCatDolls, Keisha Cole, Snoop Dog, Cheeta Girls, Beyonce, Shakira, Omarion, Chris Brown, Bow Wow

    Favorite Movies: HairSpray, Shrek3, Live Free or Die Hard, The Golden Compass, StarDust, This Christmas, and MANY, MANY, MANY MORE!!

    Favorite Television: South Park, Family Guy, The Simpsons, and tha Boondocks...anything like those 3

    Favorite Books: I have alot of favorite books that I read, If I could, I would take all of the books from the library, and read them...!!!!!...