Mario's Journal

Dec 2012
12:46 PM PST

The Course Of Our Lives

The Course Of Our Lives

The inner scope of the game called life
Shattered fragments amidst the pain
While the world outside runs totally insane
Shelter lies dormant onto its beckoning call asunder
Isn't it any wonder we have too much time on our hands
When will we ever speed the day with the hope to understand
A friend in need to wallow in the digress of thought
Two strangers holding hands together will reach the peak
We all must humbly obey the message the course of its saving message
A carriage left abandoned although twisted in the wind
A chance at its landing space on the surface of its plan
One doesn't know the next breath that they will take
In pain left inside a willingness to run away & hide
A choice of apathy & desires of the forbidden flesh
Through its carnal eyes we must treasure its chest
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Dec 2012
12:35 PM PST

When The C
Tags: Children, cry
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Oct 2010
3:46 PM EDT

Through A Plated Glass

Through a plated glass one can vaguely see A visual spctrum of what was supposed to be We have engrafted pryamids to honor the forgotten dead In essence what is going on in our head Through papal views in store of the common hue ~ A snow caped vex credential; We leave our hearts as opened door A given chance at which to humbly explore The soul that strays may quite often want to stay ~ To shed some light upon a Ham and glaze Yet to stay humble betwixt a world that's been torn Still will curse the day you were actually born Through a leaf with covered vexed on dew A soul that sins is a soul that dies Through a port in a storm one can barely see; ~ A glimmer of hope that would set us free As a beacon in the night one can vividly see ? ~ Criticism The best thing to do about criticism is to control anger, study yourself, and ask, is it valid ? ~ If you decide that it is, Then correct yourself, if it isn't valid, then the best possible procedure is to rise above the criticism and not to stoop to recimination.., ~ The pace steps up a fast-paced, exciting life can produce a tension and stress that detroys, or it can result in a strong life thrust that moves over faster but still remains under control. ~ His Message Goes NationWide it is really a thrill when you make significant progress toward attaining your chief goal in life.
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Aug 2010
10:24 PM EDT

A Day Of Deception !

We don't really know each other ? If we did there would be a mutual consensus; Communication is the succesful key to any business partnership; If I don't know you how am I going to do business with you ? We all need to work together on this no one is an island in this life; Everyone needs each other in order to point where to go ! A day of deception in my view because no one really knows who is legitimate and who is not ? It's a game of chance out there; A chance to either live or die !
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Aug 2010
3:54 PM EDT

A Day Of Deception !

We don't really know each other ? If we did there would be a mutual consensus; Communication is the succesful key to any business partnership; If I don't know you how am I going to do business with you ? We all need to work together on this no one is an island in this life; Everyone needs each other in order to point where to go ! A day of deception in my view because no one really knows who is legitimate and who is not ? It's a game of chance out there; A chance to either live or die !
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Mar 2010
2:09 PM EDT

Re: Chesterton Comment/

To have a right to do a thing ", Is not the same as to be right in doing it. * Chesterton was in fact a Catholic believer, Yet he knew how to address those deeper hidden questions/ Never did he coward in some corner, Yet he was searching for a deeper meaning of our existence, It's not enough to know/ Show me how you know, Just as it's not enough to know Christ intellectually, One must apply his principles in order to be considered truth, Christ will not settle for a lukewarm heart/ Yet a heart that is saturated with the truth of God's word/ This is in order to withstand that true test in time ! Mario William Vitale
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Mar 2010
4:27 PM EDT

Poets are not a forgotten breed !

A poet looks on intently at our world through a very delicate but brightened lense/

Does all of their wishes that they aspire come true ?
Well !
It all depends ?
Yet through delicate eyes we derive a solemn surprise/
For some maybe that grace has not fallen on them/
I don't think as a poet as a liar per say/
Rather, someone who connects with that half of the brain/
Whereby the part that no one bothers to tap into/
Although for now though faintly/
Yet what one does today will forever be echoed throughout all of eternity !
Poetry !
Hits on many aspects of life, relationships and material aspects/
There can be no real substitute for the real you !
Hence, it's all based primarily on choces,
For the materialization of the given subject matter to work/
Hence, to still know what's true for you
May not be for someone else ?
Lastly, a true poet never dies !
Rather, lives on in the many hearts of their adoring fans !
The challenge to be set free is a question of time !

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Mar 2010
4:09 PM EDT

The Air That I Breath/ Conciousness/ Freedom

This darkened world in sin/ Doesn't appreciate why we exist; In fact it's the in tuned harmony to the hiiden beasts reality/ Like a fresh though- Out of the Autumn air, We oft' lose touch of our wandering existence/ Typical nomads with no sense of guidance/ We bitch , we pout, we grive/ Yet for example: Such as Moses was who had led the children of Isreal/ We only exist here for such a short time/ Hence, when his children complained the Lord sought to it to feed them manna, When the children grumbled and whined, He provided water for them to drink/ God doesn't need us, rather we need him/ There is no need to run away by which to complain and vent ! Rather be happy for the air you breath/ The sun to keep you warm, For conciousness intact to heighten your day/ Rejoice in the freedom that many there be take for granted/ Freedom's in which our for fathers fought to so desperately preserve !
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Mar 2010
6:13 PM EDT

Lord, I pray,

For the many hurting souls in Haiti,
God shed your spirit abroad/
Although for now there is fatal darkness/
Let the pure light of God and his grace,
Captivate the hearts'
To the innocent victims lost in the mire/
Rude helplessness,
Attacks that were not hope for/
By an enemy of lies !
A decorated veteran of mere tormoil !
Offering a full assault of an arsenol of weapons/
Branded by decadent scorn/
Men of evil, corrupt minds !
1 comment(s) - 04:50 PM - 03/11/2010
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Mar 2010
4:44 PM EDT


Whisper, At a passing glance, Two eyes that met across the aisle/ A voice continued to speak/ We anchored our two hearts together.., Without a passing glance, Slowly yet surely; When I looked into her precious eyes/ Suddenly I could see my distant future ! Yet for now we only see through a tiny dim lit portal; Then alas the door was wide opened ! Appearing two beating hearts meeting, A soft yet silent repose/ Until we both released.., That setting sun had vividly arrived/ Many there be long to run away and hide ? With that twilight sun now tainting my vision.., For the given moment a tender kiss is so sweet ! Whisper.., Hence, it's gravitational pull may bring some down ? We have traveled together, Mark the man who is willing to explore ! Setting out as a seagull/ Onto that distant shore As a beacon of light to a hurting world in need.., Many there be that long to watch you bleed ? They get into the back door of movies without paying/ The light continues to flicker ! Amidst the common turmoil of our everday existence.., When two heart's beat/ Torn between the given way that they know.., Onto the one that they long to inquire/ The challenge to be free is a question of time/ For with what one does today/ Will forever be echoed throughout all of eternity ! Yet my true love for you will never change/ Amidst the vicious cycle of a rollercoaster type of life ! We long to breath in the harmony/ To exhale it's sweetened aroma, A whisper, God doesn't care on how much money one makes/ Rather the intent of the condition of a persons life !
1 comment(s) - 01:51 AM - 03/08/2010
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Jan 2010
6:26 PM EDT

Life/ The RollerCoaster Ride

In This vast perpetual realm, Between time and space: One can have a sense of irrate., As if one is late for the big important date., Yet we stake our claim, Although the stake may be small., One needeth a real heart that is saturated with the of God and his word., This is in order to with stand that true test of time ! The challenge to be made free is only a question of time ? Mario William Vitale
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Aug 2009
2:07 PM EDT

Focus in life is the essential key !

In this life things go wrong, When they do sing a lovely song Lift up your head and focus.. For the storm is long Yet many there be still can't get along, There trying to relax in a bath that a pig just took a dump ! They have no intention of helping anyone, Rather to be a selflish ass ! There should be more of a class, Although many there be that our so very shy Look straight into the sky Focus is the essential key, To stake a claim for sweet victory !
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Aug 2009
5:54 PM EDT

For many a loss in life may bring on compromise, Yet when you look toward the sun you'll be able to notice something, It's always shining back at you, Such as God, When we look to him all is well, Life is like your swimming in the ocean Many turbulent waves are coming, Hence the gravitational pull, Yet where does one begin, WE need to start from the beginning, When Adam met Eve, Then to the closing where Jesus is victorious, It's in the in between that we should focus, Don't sweat the small stuff, Just have a child like faith ! Mario William Vitale
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Jul 2009
3:05 PM EDT

Simplify in the way I spend money, Yet to very often will compromise in that area. At times it is very hard to pay for things. So I go without. For instance this year I will not take a vacation. Perhaps next year will be different ?
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Jul 2009
2:59 PM EDT

Intergrity in the outward parts,

Within, I claim every promise written by Jesus Christ,

Without , the exterior portions.

I have to exercise more !

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Jul 2009
2:57 PM EDT

There is a direct coorelation between truth and righteousness, Although many find out this great truth far too late. We all need to support one another before its too late ! There is to much isolation in the mainstream, One needeth only to take a deep breath , Try to face the music! This world is a will for power,
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Jul 2009
5:35 PM EDT

This is the day the Lord has made !

Ladies and gentleman, I finally grew up ! I must announce that I will not be attending any further parties, reunion's and wedding's. That being I learned a valuable lesson from my adiction to alcohol,' It is to not associate with those that want to darg you down into their pit, That's all fellow's !
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Jul 2009
2:06 PM EDT

There is an answer to this madness

In life you have friends, You lose friends, You get money and you lose money. There is one friend that will stick closer than a brother. His name: Jesus, Certainly, hugh hefner new it best by his solicitations through porn, Yet did he have the answer: No, We have erected portals to honor the dead Yet we still smile and call it a good day ! All of us are frightened by the ambiance, Shall I put a little sugar in your vinegar, The challenge to be free is a question of time. Mario William Vitale
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Jun 2009
3:52 PM EDT

Please vote for me @ Mario William Vitale

Thank you for all my fans as far as poetry is concerned.,

This has been a work in process since the Fall of 1989.

Thanks to my loyal fans of 15,000 + reader's.

Mario William Vitale will be a name that all poets should strive to become.

That is a good sense of integrity, honesty and common sense.

My platform consists of:

(1) David Bell Letters,

(2) International Library of Poetry,

(3) Connecticut Poetry Review,

(4) Academy of American Poetry,

(5) Virginia Writer's Quarterly,


(7) NYC, The Wall of St. John The Devine,

(8) Crossway Publishing

(9) Little Rose Magazine,

(10) New Man Magazine,

(11) Writer's Digest Magazine,

(12) Wolcott Community Newspaper

editor: Julie F. Moore,

(13) Waterbury Republican Interview (April 2009),

* My poems reflect the real essence of who I am.

Truly, to me it's a matter of heart.

Here is my newest poem:

(An Echo In Eternity)

Can we as a nation ever come together

We tend to sweat the small stuff

Oft, we even get careless with our words

Is this not so surprising ?

Your tongue can� set you on fire

Now are you calling Paul a liar ?

Ponder his rendition of,

("�A� Fool On A Hill ").

This is not a fixture that one can put on a tree

Don't create fear when there is none

With the right choices that we make now

Will forever bring an echo in eternity

Even if one doesn't make a choice

There sheer complacency is a major factor

Why does one often ponder

An idea of a fantastic vacation

Still, a vacation from what ?

It's just a mere escape from the theatre of pain

Try to choose door number three

Other's will choose the path of free will

Still some bask in some euphoric drama

Now try to be a big boy

Don't ever run home crying to your mama !

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Nov 2008
11:34 PM EDT

Remembrance of a Loved one

How you had fought so hard and fierce My one true love is gone from here The challenge to be free is only a question of time My one solution is using my mind Living on the edge and it's' going to my head Sitting up at night all alone in bed Following the rainbow to the sky I see a great vision of you pass me by Our war were in is almost over It's only hard to believe I lost my lover.
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Mario's Profile

  • Username: Mario
  • Gender / Age: Male, 55
  • Location: USA - Connecticut