Heratpeace girl's Journal

Aug 2009
6:48 PM EDT

back 2 skool

As everyone is geting ready for skool i caint help but dread going back and seeing my crushes and my enamies but as much as dreading that im afraid that when i go back everything will change like my friends my feelings my heart my songs my personality i dont want that i wanna be thee girl i want 2 be and as much and as easy as that sounds some how every year i seem too follow some group insdead of my heart.As much as i wanna GO BACK TO SEE MY FRIENDS� i think going back is gonna hurt me more than anything cuz the guy i like will breaK my heart.

but mabey mabey this year wil be diffrent just mabey

1 comment(s) - 09:58 AM - 08/16/2009
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Apr 2009
3:09 AM EDT

School and life

What is it about school that just makes it suck or makes it the best thing ever!so confudiling but i no life is harder than that life is like being traped in a box and you caint get out till your parents unlock u because they still think that ur their lil kid!!!!!!!!!!! It bugs me and then they think that they can tell you what to do at any time a nothing is ever good enough!!! woh said that PERFACT�was what we are supposedt to be kids not saints!!!!!!!!!!!! When was life a mystery and when was kindergarden the uter most favorite years of ur life! And when did the lil girl inside of me leave and how can i get her back! Because thats who my mom wants is that lil girl not me!!!!!!!!

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Apr 2009
3:46 PM EDT

"Boys arnt worth crying over,and the 1 that is won't make you cry."

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Apr 2009
10:39 AM EDT


�The thin i dread the most is hate! Why people do it amazez me! The other thing is gossip! Ahhhh! These 2 thing should have never happend on earth in my prospective, why people do it?�I dont now, but i do now how it feels to be talked about or hated and its not fun at all! The Bible�says who ever hates is like a murder and murders will have enternal suffering after life (hell). When i hear some1 talking about me it emidately feels like some1 just burned my heart and leaft a scare. And suddenly you feel like the whole world just crashed in your eyes ecspesualy when its one of your friends! Who are they to tell me or you that im wrong and their wright when they don't live in my life! who could tell you your lying that you just baught a new dog (this is an example) when

1. they wernt there when you baught it

2. they haven't seen it

3. they dont evean now where you live

it agravates me! But 1 thing i've learned in my life is 2 forgive the lyers and gossipers help the helpless and be friendly 2 the people who have no friends.

�And fix the broken hearts that you find!

� A friendly note from

�Heart peace girl

1 comment(s) - 11:24 AM - 04/13/2009
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Mar 2009
8:46 PM EDT

Child Love

What is it about love that makes us so happy? Is it cuz we just are? Is it cuz we wany 2 be but deep down we realy dont care and we no weir just gonna get our hearts broken? Or is iy that every morning we can wake up and say oh they'll be there 4 me 4 ever!!!? Well per sonal i think its cuz eep down i think all my friends are just trying 2 act older( dont forget im 13) and it bugs me on y. I had 2 grow up 2 fast 4 reansins i caint explain and now that i finaly dont have 2 i want 2 be a kid again, and whear colored tights and converse with to-tos without some1 calling me dumb!i want 2 run around and get dizzy without pepole saying im retarted.I want 2 have pre-k love and kids not care! I want 2 now how 2 be a kid again. But most of all i want 2 love without heart breaks cuz thats the kind of love kids have!

�������� Jewels101 AKA�heart berakpeac girl

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Mar 2009
8:15 PM EDT

Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take,but by the number of moments that take our breath away. hich-shakespere
2 comment(s) - 11:26 AM - 04/13/2009
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Mar 2009
8:13 PM EDT

We don't remember days we remebmer moments. shakspere

1 comment(s) - 10:17 PM - 04/09/2009
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Mar 2009
7:59 PM EDT


We all suposavley have them, their the lil tingle every time u walk past htat same person or their the reason that u spend ,like 3 hrs getting ready!Their the reason ur hart aces when u find out their going out with some1 else. Crushes are the reason u wish pon a star. But if u stop all that and tell ur self "wait just be myself" ull find that ull get more eyes 2 notice u than ever befor!who nows u just might find Mr/Mrs Right 2!

������ Sincerly

������������������� Heartpeace girl

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Jan 2009
2:26 PM EDT


Many people would say "U dont need friends." or "friends are healthy" isay friends are there for u evan if u change ur name ad shave ur head - not that i would do that-but evan when i say that theres always 1 friend who dosent care. I have a friends in many places and every year at christmas they send a�christmas card saying "hi".When i lose a friend in life wether its death or words i cry!No one heres me cuz usualy im in my castel a way from kings and queens losing a friend is like losing a finger or an eye with out that eye you caint see with out that finger you caint write, with out that friend u caint talk to them at school u caint call them and ask them to come over.

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Jan 2009
12:53 AM EDT


You now the saying stix nd stones can break my bones, but words will never hurt me! well who ever said that was wrong. Yesterday i got called something i never hope to be called again that same pesson(who ive tryed to be friends with) also hates me.The truth is i once liked him and no 1 new it -cuz i keept it a secret-But from then on it was day after day fighting to be his friendand still i�try to be his friend,cuz deep down�inside i feel that if�1 friend is lost my whole world tummbles.I cry every time he�tells me he dosent want to talk to me-mabey�not in front of him but at home. he has a friend whom i like very much and every tme im near him my heart falls out flat cuz he used to like me but noe he dosent.My new saying is�-Stix and stones can break my bones ,but wors can kill my heart!!!!!!�


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Jan 2009
12:48 AM EDT


During this new yr Ive gotten manny new things ,clothes,shoes,Freinds,and now this .Hopefuly Ill write in this every day , Mabey-mabey not.My new yrs res. are to get good grades and NOT BITE MY NAILS. But most important to overcome my fears and make new friends along the way.Catachizum starts in less than a week soo that will help the hole friend thing.JuliAnn is starting to come out in me and hopefuly both of our dreams will come true.It wont be long till time runs out for me so ive got to start now. Well its late i probebly should go so gtg write later


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  • Username: Jewels101
  • Gender / Age: Female, 33
  • Location: USA - Texas
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    About Me: I Rule

    Interests: Soccer

    Favorite Music: Hip Hop

    Favorite Movies: Gone with the wind

    Favorite Television: ABC Family

    Favorite Books: TWILIGHT