xcheerfreakx's Journal

Jun 2007
3:51 PM EDT

Dear journal,

today was very boring and i just couldnt stop shoving my face full of stale food because i dont eat right and depression does it to me because i think im so fat!!! so basically everyone even my dork thinks im anerexic but u kno what idk if i was being anerexic today. Because i usally am anerexic. But w/e!!! Thumper went home today and left me just hanging. I tlkd to my dorks mom linda because i always go over to his house with a couple of friends and she sat me down descussing my anerexic issue and how mad chris is at me for saying im fat when he and everybody else says im not even though i am. So thats proble why he doesnt tlk to me like he used to or look at me. g2g i have to eat dinner and its speggetii!!!!!!!!yyyyyuuuuuuuuuummmmmmmmmmEEEEEEEEEYYYYYYYYYY
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xcheerfreakx's Profile

  • Username: xcheerfreakx
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Virginia
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