seg263's Journal
Dec 2006
1:07 PM MST
I am establishing an intristac affinity for one of my best male friends, and am afraid to share my true innermost feelings. I saw him a couple nights ago during a visit back east and had a nice time just being with him. I find my mind contemplating the possibilities for the future... but I'm cut short with the reality of the geographical distance of our relationship now. Oh the disappointment and despair of reality...
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- 10:08 AM - 12/15/2008
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Dec 2006
10:20 AM MST
Single... Well, I'm 19, I've been single for a long time. I don't know what my problem is. It's not hard for me to meet men, but just getting connected I guess. Just today, I had some coworkers ask me if I had a boyfriend. I've blown it off for a while, not really caring much, but it's like, why am I single? What's my problem? What's the fix?
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Dec 2006
9:31 AM MST
Well, today's the day before the day before Christmas Eve. Whoopee! Too bad I can't make it home as planned until the morning of Christmas. I got snowed in in Denver (stupid blizzard). Well, thousands of people are stuck here. There is no good to moaping around. I just really want to go back home to VA. Yesterday was my scheduled flight, but of course it was cancelled. So I've taken up as many shifts as work until then. Time is going by very slowly... I can hear the clock ticking... tick... tick... tick... At least I have something good to look forward to though. It's still slick out though. Driving stick shift is still tough, but it's harder in these conditions. 3 more days... 3 more...
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Dec 2006
1:41 PM MST
It's my first public entry! Well, today is the day after my 19th birthday. It was pretty uneventful yesterday, especially since I had to work. But I enjoyed the phone calls, emails, cards, cake, gifts... I cannot complain. I am just lucky to have the friends and family I do have. My 18th year was quite a year. I hope the next will be just as adventerous, but not as bad and stressful. :)
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seg263's Profile
Gender / Age:
Female, 38
USA - Colorado
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SEG263's Interests:
About Me:
I am 19, young, energetic, and spontaneous. I enjoy to write whats on my mind so I can refer back to it later. But what I have to say is not always something notable or amazing. It is just what is important to me at the moment.
Violin, piano, guitar, running, skiing, writing, reading, watching good movies... hey, I like just about anything that keeps me up and about.
Favorite Music:
Everything but country. Although Rascal Flatts is growing on me I admit.
Favorite Movies:
Groundhog Day, What About Bob, Spaceballs, Rocketman, The Princess Bride, Wedding Crashers, Life is Beautiful, Mrs. Doubtfire, Mr. Magoo, Braveheart, United 93, Walk the Line, Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, and the list goes on...
Favorite Television:
CSI, Law and Order, The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser, Seinfeld, Friends, and Deal or No Deal.
Favorite Books:
Harry Potter, anything by C.S. Lewis, the Bible, The Chosen, Jesus Freaks, pretty much anything thought provoking that's not too difficult to read.