potatoenigma's Journal

Dec 2006
6:13 PM EST

I hate to write.. I would rather give a speech! However, a wise friend told me to write anything down even if it is just a recipe! So here I am ..With thoughts that run faster in my mind than captured on paper, horrible grammer and spelling.. I guess I will see how this all turns out:)
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potatoenigma's Profile

  • Username: potatoenigma
  • Gender / Age: Female, 56
  • Location: USA - Kentucky
    POTATOENIGMA's Interests:

    About Me: I have been called an enigma, loner, with extroverted tendencies. I am addicted to peanut m&m's. I'm a concertolic who will travel to LA for a day. I went to rehab for being a musicianolic. I have not fallen off the stage in six years! I have no problems speaking my mind, however I do pick my battles.. I would rather give a speech than write. The color blue mesmerizes me. My friends and family loathe me because I am always right. I have been told that I have a six sense. I love to hide in a crowd and watch the interaction of people trying to be accepted. Never make assumption about me because 99% of the time you will be wrong. I am blunt.. so if you do not want the truth do not ask. I do not hate anyone. I find hate to be a strong negative word. I just think you do not exist. I believe everything happens for a reason. I will always be an attentive listener to your words but I may not agree. Little things mean the most to me. Rubberbands are good for containing me, but knowing when to pull me back is essential. To bad the rubberband broke!

    Interests: Sleeping, walking, thinking, observing, driving long distances, travel, concerts, kite flying, eating, daydreaming, laughing, friends, foes, great sense of humor, fire hose vs vienna sausage, dancing in front of the mirror, floating in the water, photography, the color blue, blah blah blah!

    Favorite Music: Radiohead, My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult, KMFDM, Depeche Mode, Lords of Acid, Adam and the Ants, Rogers Sisters, Shivaree, Dead Can Dance, Ministry, Bauhaus, Gary Numan, Bowie, Muppets, Autolux, Twilight Singers, The Creature, Tool, APC, Patsy Cline, LCD Soundsystem, 12 Rounds,Primus, Audioslave, Elvis, Johnny Cash, Patsy Cline, Clash,She Wants Revenge,Saul Williams, Faithless, Love and Rockets, Sugar Hill Gang, Jimmy Cliff, KDLang, U2, Webb Wilder, Jefferson Tarc Bus, Wiggles, nearLY, Frank Sinatra, Issacs, Afghan Whigs, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Raveonettes, Tweaker, Teargas & Plateglass, Chet Tappperson, NIN..........

    Favorite Television: Travel Channel, 24, Amazing Race, The Unit, Discovery Channel, Southpark( I'm being cereal), Criminal Minds. I only watch TV when I do not need to think or be creative.

    Favorite Books: Dating for Dummies, Diary of a Worm, How to Kill a Rockstar, You Have to Kiss a lot of Frogs, The Stranger, Big Sur, Hardcore Zen,Free Will a short introduction, Neon Bible, Call of the Wild, Curse of Lono, Why so Many Gods, Tao of Psychology, Tin Drum, Headbirths, PopCO, Madness, My sister keeper, Don Quixote, Siddhartha, Einstein, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, Confederacy of Dunces....