The Infrequently Filled Journal of One Whose Opinions are Irrelevant

Apr 2008
3:59 PM EDT

Guess wha-at...


Ok, ok, I will shut up now. I am obsessed, I'm sad to say. Funny story about that.... I was in English class and we were�reading�Romeo and Juliet (which I have already read. Twice.) Having acquired Eclipse only the day before, I sat with my copy of R+J on my lap with Eclipse inside it. And I read. Non-stop. The entire class. I think my teacher noticed (I wasn't really concerned about being caught. I just wanted to read.) but didn't say anything. Maybe she thought I was thoroughly entranced by Shakespeare. Don't get me wrong, I think Shakespeare is a genius, but I had other things on my mind (I was at the part where, if you have read it, Jasper is explaining his history... interesting stuff, that�). So I was there, reading, when I hear my teacher calling, "All right, who wants to be Romeo? Ok, you, Lesley. And who wants to be Juliet? How about.... WAIT." And I look up to see her staring at me and Charlotte, who's next to me doing the exact same thing as I am. "Look at those badasses!" my teacher said. "The quiet ones are always the rebels!" Char and I DIED laughing. We knew she wasn't really mad at us (a little frustrated maybe, but not mad. I mean, what kind of english teacher would be mad at students who are reading?). Although, she DID swear to us that next class we would have to do pretty well all the parts and NOT do some closet, under-the-desk reading. And we did. We suffered in silence and did as we were told. However, I consider this sufficient penance and will resume reading under the desk next class.

I have discovered something that is slightly ridiculous, but nonetheless helpful in many ways. When I read, I am usually completely and utterly absorbed by whichever book I am reading. Even when I stop, the book is usually on my mind (which makes it very difficult to have a coherent conversation with me). So, naturally, everyone assumes that when I read, I am transported spiritually to the book. Which is true. But I have a truly uncanny knack of managing to snap out of my literature-induced stupor in time to hear important information. For example, I will be reading, and suddenly I won't be at Hogwarts, in Middle Earth, on the HMS Dolphin, or in Tira or Bayern. Or even in Forks. I will resurface in time to hear my name in whatever conversation being carried on in my vicinity. Sometimes it's not my name. Other times it is information that I parents would have rather not told me. Other times it is family secrets or people's opinions or the news. I must have some "strange thing" receptor somewhere in my head, because otherwise.... Well. And when I do snap out of it, I don't jump or stretch of yawn. I continue pretending to read, because people will disclose so much more if they think they aren't being eavesdropped on. Which is, I am ashamed to say, what it boils down to.

Don't blame me. I don't ask to hear these things, and I am too curious to draw attention to myself so that they stop in time. Too bad for them.

I'll be back later. I need an opinion or two on an english project...


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  • Username: opinionated
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: United Kingdom
    OPINIONATED's Interests:

    About Me: Everything that you need to know about me is in my posts. Moreover, everything posted on this journal is my own work, except where otherwise indicated. It belongs to me, so no reposting or claiming as your own. Thanks a bundle, loves.

    Interests: Books, writing, music, camping, books, talking about books, theorising about books, dreaming, reading, books, music, piano, writing, music, books, reading, books, instruments, books, writing.

    Favorite Music: All kinds. Classic rock (Billy Joel, Eric Clapton, Led Zeppelin, The Beatles, and Pink Floyd, to name some of many), some modern stuff (Coldplay, Broken Bells, KT Tunstall, The Fray, Weezer, and there are more...), classical, some folk rock, Latin... Oh, and alternative rock. Music I will NOT listen to: Rap, country (excluding Cash), jazz (kill. me. now.)

    Favorite Movies: The Harry Potters minus the fifth, Chronicles of Narnia, Get Smart, Pirates of the Caribbean, The Lord of the Rings, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, Love Actually, Fight Club, Role Models

    Favorite Television: Lost, The Office and The Simpsons

    Favorite Books: Seriously?! Fine. You asked. In no particular order... | Wolf Hall | Harry Potter (all) | Chronicles of Narnia | All Tamora Pierce | All Shannon Hale | All Alison Croggon | Thief Lord, Inkheart, Inkspell, and Inkdeath by Cornelia Funke | Romeo and Juliet | Macbeth | Artemis Fowl (all) | Maximum Ride series | The Book Thief (awesome book <3) | Jacky Faber series | All Kate Constable | Elsewhere | A Wrinkle in Time | A Great and Terrible Beauty and sequels | My Swordhand is Singing | The Book of Dead Days and sequel | To Kill a Mockingbird | Lord of the Rings series | The Hobbit | The Host | Mortal Instruments series | Peeps | The Disreputable History of Frankie Landau-Banks | Sepulchre | The Hunger Games