Misery is calling.

Apr 2008
6:20 AM CST

Hi, First entry

Hey everyone! So yeah this is my first post, so i guess I should tell you a little about me. My Name is Alicia (UH-Lee-Sh-Uh) but you can call me Misery. I am homeschooled and I am in 9th grade and I'm only 13, I know lol. Well anyways my little Nephues (sp?) they are both twins lol. They are 3 years old. Well yep i better go bye.

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miseryhunter's Profile

  • Username: miseryhunter
  • Gender / Age: Female, 31
  • Location: USA - Kansas
    MISERYHUNTER's Interests:

    About Me: My name is Alicia but you can call me Misery. I am 13 years old and well I'm me. lol

    Interests: Anime, Japan, Reading, Writing, Drawing (even though i can't), Sports

    Favorite Music: Rock, Paramore, My Chemical Romance, Fall Out Boy, Linkin Park, Evanescence

    Favorite Movies: Mummy 1 and 2; Terminator 1,2 and 3; Enough; The Matrix; Pride and Prdijuce

    Favorite Television: Cheaters; Cops; Charmed;

    Favorite Books: Inkheart; Inkspell; Eragon; Eldest; Son Of the Mob; Swan in the Mist; The Golden Compass; The Subtle Knife; The Amber Spyglass