meegaan's Journal

Sep 2007
1:49 PM EDT

Blah. so today was the first day of schoool. Grade 10 yay! [not] it was so bunk we walked into the school and all we see are emos EVERYWHERE! its not that i hate emos. well i do i just think that "kind" are such fakes like they always complain about how their lifes suck when they usually dont. not even close to some other people. but i guess its what they like. but it was so different from last year. and i have no classes with like my actual really close friends but i guess i can get over it somehow. and i have science with my friends sister its pretty weird but what ever its just one class its not like we'll became the best of friends. so oh well.

but one of my really close friends changed schoools and her boyfriend goes to her new schoool but apperently shes breaking up with him soooon. and im actually happy cause shes such a bitch to him and everyone nows they just dont say anything to her. and i feeel bad for her boyfriend cause shes such a great guy and would do anything for her but she keeps treating him the same way. i just hate how she treats him some times. its like yo if you dont like him then dont keep going out with him like dont do that to someone. its stupid but she wont know what she had until its gone. so its her own fautl.

but i just cant wait till the end of the week to releize how much stupid drama people cause and how just plan stupid people are. and how all those stupid grade nines and so clueless to everyone and everything around them. well thats all for now.

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  • Username: meegaan
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: Canada
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