lovealways's Journal

Jul 2007
8:21 AM PST

today i came home at 12AM, yesterday was his day off, so last night i went to my boyfriends' grandmas house for dinner with his sister. we got there late not only cause we left late but because we missed the exit and had to turn back, and there was traffic (bumper to bumper). it was fun, i had a great time. the food was delicious and his grandmothers where outgoing. this is the first time that i meet them.

The reason we were late was because he had to take his friend to a meeting since his dad is his friends' manager, his friend is a singer. he had a meeting with music producers and at the end of the meeting they liked him and they want to make a cd with him. another reason why we were late was because i had to take my father to his doctor appointment. i was not sure if i was going to even make it back in time since he had to leave at 4pm. i got home at 3:30pm and caleed him he said for me to get ready and to call when i was ready, and so i got ready as fast as i could. i dont know if i looked nice or not, i guess i did because of the compliments. well we ended geting there at 6:30pm. it seemed like a long drive there.
i like his grandmohers, it was a great night.
Well today nothing exciting happened , i stayed home and he had to work. he is getting home late as usual.
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lovealways's Profile

  • Username: lovealways
  • Gender / Age: Female, 34
  • Location: USA - California