jpapatola96's Journal

May 2008
1:35 PM EDT

fire in the rain

�Tell the truth, who are your�family and who are the people you are close to. who is gunna be there and help you get through. give you a light when you lost yours and just dont have a clue.�The answer is nothing really means shit, your family is the people you choose to be with , and love even if for only for a minute. A message after a half decade can possibly be a start. try and find the ones you were trained to stay apart... from, and in the end youll see that words like family and friends really have no inbetween, It all just depends on if you wanna play and whos game. But keep your mind open, and never let it be taimed, youll find your so called family is�like a fire in the rain!

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May 2008
6:51 PM EDT

May 17, 2008

Don't let your fantasies fade when they don't come true, Don't hate god when he doesn't come through.

You do have a future even when it's hard to see and the love of your life is a reality, don't treat her like a dream!

������������������ -By Jeff Papatola

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jpapatola96's Profile

  • Username: jpapatola96
  • Gender / Age: Male, 35
  • Location: USA - Massachusetts