johnmiltani8's Journal

Feb 2020
4:48 AM IST

cyber security engineer job description

The person who safeguards the computers, networks, software, hardware, and data from malware is termed as Cyber Security Engineer. They use various techniques and methods to provide cybersecurity. The main reason behind this problem is lack of security, which means that we are at risk.
A security system is said to be well established if it is multi-layered connecting various fragments such as computers, network, data, etc.
Every organization which has a well-built IT infrastructure It’s their responsibility to protect it from cyber-attacks. So, don’t let threats approach you, protect each and every element by providing the best security. Build a rugged security framework, ensuring that organization is not subjected to risk.

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  • Username: johnmiltani8
  • Gender / Age: Male, 43
  • Location: USA - New York