gmcgrath's Journal

Aug 2007
7:01 AM GMT

Psalm 1
I've started reading in the Psalms again today, because they are a great place to find God's heart. So, here I am at 7.30am taking time aside to seek His mind for my life and to plug into what he has for me.

V1 - Blessed. What does that mean? What is it about this guy that he is blessed? Well v3 talks about him prospering. THere are people of course that say oooh watch out for that prosperity gospel and while i totally understand the concern, hold on a minute.

I mean either v3 SAYS the godly man WILL prosper or it doesnt. I believe though if you take a look at the whole passage it totally makes sense. I mean if you were living the life that the psalmist talks about here you'd be expecting things to be going in the right direction wouldnt you?! I dont think its necessarily talking about financial prosperity but I do believe that a Christian should be successful at whatever he does. I mean if you have that mindset that seeks God's will and counsel and who is plugged into the mind of God, then the things you do should work out shouldnt they?! I see prosperous as a stamp on someones life not that they will never put a foot wrong of make a stupid mistake from time to time. But the overall flow of their life will be "right."

Looking at the passage then what does it say?

v1 BLESSED - He is not plugged into the world's mindset, he doesnt go with th flow, he doesnt look to th world for wisdom for counsel, he doesnt hang with the world or be identified as one who finds satisfaction in being kewl, or trendy or living a designer life for the sake of it.

v2 DELIGHT - God's word is the focus of his heart. He isnt taken up with ANYTHING that isnt God centred. He cant wait to get time alone where he can crack open the book and spend time communing with his Father. That's an awesome way to be!

v3 PLANTED - He's life a tree planted by th source of his life. Am I planted? And you know what? He's doin what is expected of him. I think its been a long time since as a Christian I have done what has been expected of me. He is expected to bear fruit. Just as you would expect to come to an apple tree in apple season and find apples for your apple pie... this guy ... you go to him and he rocks! His heart, his life... are exactly what you need him to be, what you went to him for in the first place. He is getting his life from the Source, not from a dirty hosepipe... but RIGHT from the source! Why? Cuz he's PLANTED right beside it! No way of contamination.
It's as we start to move away from a close walk with God that we open up the possibility for contamination. For a long time I have lived that way... away from God and therefore the possibility for contamination has been so strong. Lord that I would be planted close to You!!

His "leaf does not wither." Thats just God's way of saying that he STICKS to the source. At tree that is not being fed will eventually wither. But this guys... his leaf doesnt fade or wither cuz he sticks close to God.

And, oh yeh, everything he puts his hand to.. prospers... nah.. it couldnt MEAN that. Yes. IT DOES. TIme for me to get on the bandwagon with God then and sort out my priorities or I am never going to see this kind of prosperity or success in my life.

v4 CONTRAST - the wicked's time is short. They wont be around long.. the wind blows them away ... what a contract with the TREE!!!! roots dug in deep... planted and getting all it needs from the source! Which do YOU want to be!?

v5 STANDING - The wicked cant stand before God, but I can. Even with all I have done, and all the things I havent done that I should have.

v6 PROTECTION - God watches over me. WOW.

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  • Username: gmcgrath
  • Gender / Age: Male, 59
  • Location: United Kingdom