edprice's Journal

Jul 2008
5:21 AM EST

Hump day?

Quote of the day

"Better stop short than fill to the brim. Oversharpen the blade, and the edge will soon blunt. Amass a store of gold and jade, and no one can protect it. Claim wealth and titles, and disaster will follow. Retire when the work is done. This is the way of heaven." - Tao Te Ching

Universe entry of the day

One of the most comforting thoughts of all, Ed, is knowing that all roads lead "home."

Even more comforting, is understanding that you never left.

From all of us "back" home,

-The Universe-

Journal entry of the day

Why do we feel as Americans that everything needs a negative spin on it. We live for the weekend. Hump day is the benchmark for being halfway to the weekend. I cna't even watch the local news anymore. It's all bad news. It's designed to get you to watch the commercials. They even play up the weather, "I'll tell you all about the weeekend and what to expect, tonight at 11". C'mon, gimme a break. I can't stay up till eleven. The one thing I can and willwatch is the weather channle. Just straight talk about the weather and no fluff, gotta love it.

I am in the midst of a firestorm of work after being free to raom for several year. I find it strangely rewarding to be immersed in something I truly am poassionate about. I have never had that before. I've made money and done some work. But, never before have I felt I was going to really emote change in me and others as well. Never before have i felt like i was really sitting on something huge, that could change the world. MaxGXL and MaxWLX have rocked my relaity and shifted my paridigms. I can't wait to see what the next 6 months will bring.

Are you truly passionate about what you do. Do you jump out of bed in the morning because you can't wait to see where the day will take you?

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edprice's Profile

  • Username: edprice
  • Gender / Age: Male, 58
  • Location: USA - New York