Little Plastic Castle

Jul 2008
4:48 AM PDT

Wednesday 7/09/2008

08:10 - Call from Gunslinger about the IWS perftest this morning.� The phone rang the instant I sat down at my desk.� I guess this was to start at 7?� Dunno, I know I wasn't the only one to show up at 8:10.

- Started monitoring on pine, olive, spruce, and thymeLM 135.

- Thyme is choking within just a few minutes of the test.� Swapping.� Memory is set to 1gb.� Get the ok from Gunslinger to bring it down and jack the ram to 3gb.� (Country Boy said that the JVM Heap alone is supposed to be 2GB.)

- Bring server down & up the RAM.� Undeploy first.� Pushed it to 3072 and restart, IP change to 215.

9:10 - Biker Babe says the thyme ovqa box is having the same problems.� I shut it down and up it to 3gb as well.� IP change to 218.

-- Squirrelface still wants the RHEL4 box spun out to workstation on his desktop & I told him that his manager won't allow that.� (He should know this, he's the head tech on the Risk Mgmt team)� Told him I can spin one out in LM for him to "play with samba and winbind" on.

9:30 - Team Staph Meating.� Mid-years are due in a week.� Grandpa Simpson said he hadn't even started pulling the images that I asked for yesterday.� Must need a new onion for his belt.� He thinks we use AS, I had to tell him it's ES and then explain why.

-- Mr. T. said something about it taking Grandpa Simpson and Cartman bloody ages to push firewall rules because apparently there are bazillions of them that need changed.� I made the crack, "That's weird, DannyBoy could always do it in just a few minutes."� Slick cracked up, nobody else got it apparently.

11:30 - Testing is done and Gunslinger wants everything in spreadsheets with graphs.� Righty-o man.� righty-o.

11:45 Margie called.� She wants to know if I've done the filesystem grow on giant, titan, and pine yet.� I haven't.� She says to go ahead and grow giant & titan on Thursday, but Pine will have to be done after they do their SAN work Thurs night.� I'll coordinate with Mac.

12:00 - I'm getting food.

1:34 - Just got off the phone with Slick.� Apparently The Martian talked with him and Hoops yesterday regarding our IT department's seeming lack of ability to get anything of substance "done", and the constant "roadblocks" thrown up for no apparent reason.

Slick and I are firm in our position that Cartman doesn't actually _do_ anything useful and the entire Network Engineering group (which just consists of Cartman and Grandpa Simpson), is entirely too liesurely.� They never complete anything on time, they always claim to be working ~60-70 hours per week, half the time things are done wrong, the other half they "forget" to do them at all.

Try to FTP a file out of our company and into a vendor.� It can't be done.� Try to move an image from point A to point B in the environment, it can't be done.� THe VLANS are all mismatched, VM's are moved around to locations where they won't work, consoles aren't connected, and the entire layout of our network is simply lunacy.

We can't get LDAP working from pan to apollo and they're on the same goddamn esx host.� There is no excuse for this.� If these two are working 50 hours a week, I'd like to have some progress to show for it.

What _really_ sucks about this is the fact that I LIKE both of them.� I LIKE Grandpa Simpson and Cartman on a personal level.� I think they're both fun guys to work with, and we've done a couple of things away from the office just because we're friends.� I just can't understand why they won't get on the ball and get some work done too.

-- See Private Note Regarding Giant/Titan/Pine

-- for SAR data files with -d option (disk)

cat|egrep "^[0-9]|md" |
awk '{
if ( NF > 7 ){
� print $1
� next}
print $0}'

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coraline's Profile

  • Username: coraline
  • Gender / Age: Female, 54
  • Location: USA - Arizona
    CORALINE's Interests:

    About Me: Little Plastic Castle is an extension of This Child's Life which is not hosted at inboxjournal. This blog will make little sense to anyone other than myself. It's a stream of consciousness log of what I do on a daily basis in my job as a UNIX computer systems engineer. o/~ "They say goldfish have no memory, I guess their lives are much like the little plastic castle is a surprise every time, and its hard to say if they're happy, but they don't seem much to mind." o/~ I endeavor to respect confidentiality and thus I use nicknames for the people I work with. (Mr. T, Ratface, Jerry, Cartman, Grandpa Simpson, Slick, and so on.) I drop system names in here and abbreviations, but any note that requires something like a FQDN will always be marked private. You can comment if you like, but I'll only respond if I feel like it.

    Interests: Cast of Characters: Just a few of the names I use for people, this is the nickname and what their job responsibility is. Mr. T - My Direct Manager (Engineering) Slick - ESX Specialist Cartman - Network Engineering Lead Grandpa Simpson - Network Engineer Becky - WebSphere Engineer Ratface - Developer/Architect Jerry - Project Manager (BTI) Matt T. - Project Manager (Blackbird) The Martian - Application Developer AVP Ice Queen - Engineering AVP Chez - Assistant to Ice Queen Watts - Engineering/Development Sr. Mgr. Hoppy - I.T. Security LDAP Squirrelface - I.T. Security Accts Woodchuck - I.T. Security Accts Russian Bride - Application Tester Trisha - Testing AVP Tequila - UNIX Admin OPS Chops - UNIX Admin OPS Mac - UNIX Engineer (Contractor, works with Tequila & Chops) Margie - SAN specialist (ch)InkPen - Backup Specialist Chimpy - OPS Mgr Duke - UNIX Lead even though he knows nothing about UNIX