SamanthaAlexandra's Journal

Nov 2006
4:02 AM PST

you may not know it yet but you have something of mine. you may not have asked for it, but i gave it to you anyway. whether or not i wanted you to be the keeper of something so dear and fragile was not up to me. the worst part of you not knowing what you have is that you can break me at anytime without even realizing. and if you don't break me then i might just be locked up for the rest of time. but i do not want to tell you what you have and the importance of it because i think i would rather you break me on accident than on purpose. so here i am. because i cannot tell you i am just writing it down and locking it away. and now is my hope for you to please not keep me locked away.
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SamanthaAlexandra's Profile

  • Username: SamanthaAlexandra
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California

    About Me: Every angel is terrifying The drugs are a fabulation. Every wisp of smoke I inhale and exhale is a story formed from one breath to another. Take this train I'm on, for instance. It could suddenly lift from its rails and be taken to a desolate planet, a razed nothing where food and water is scarce. I wonder, then, who would make love to whom, who would be eaten first and by what method we would decide this sacrificial process. Or perhaps we'd all just be too hungry to think about it...
