SamanthaAlexandra's Journal

Feb 2007
5:21 AM PST

At the drive-in yesterday, I looked passed the screen into the night sky. The stars were barely visible through the glare of the city lights. I hoped that the city would undergo a massive blackout so everyone could look up and see what it is they take for granted every night. I began to watch the movie and a while later I looked back up at the sky, now covered in a layer of clouds. All but one star was hidden. I'm not supersticious or religous or any of that crap but for the first time since I was like five, I made a wish on that one star. I didn't come true.
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SamanthaAlexandra's Profile

  • Username: SamanthaAlexandra
  • Gender / Age: Female, 36
  • Location: USA - California

    About Me: Every angel is terrifying The drugs are a fabulation. Every wisp of smoke I inhale and exhale is a story formed from one breath to another. Take this train I'm on, for instance. It could suddenly lift from its rails and be taken to a desolate planet, a razed nothing where food and water is scarce. I wonder, then, who would make love to whom, who would be eaten first and by what method we would decide this sacrificial process. Or perhaps we'd all just be too hungry to think about it...
